AIP-432: ApeCoin Presents First Friday: Bridging Communities, Creativity, and Governance

Proposal Name: “ApeCoin Presents First Friday: Bridging Communities, Creativity, and Governance”

Team Description:
JRNY Crypto
Twitter: @JRNYcrypto
CEO and founder of Aiur Labs, JRNY CLUB, and more. Also created and built up a Crypto focused YouTube channel to over 600k subscribers during the last bull market.

Chris Talley
Creative Director, Christopher Talley, who will be overseeing much of this project, has volunteered to share their information. Chris has over 6 years of experience in the creative industry, with a portfolio that includes leading successful projects in digital media and event production. They hold a Masters degree in Film Production and have been instrumental in developing innovative strategies that bridge technology and creativity.

Proposal Description:
“ApeCoin Presents First Friday: Bridging Communities, Creativity, and Governance” encapsulates an unprecedented partnership that signifies more than ApeCoin becoming the presenting sponsor for First Friday events in Las Vegas. We have the opportunity to place ApeCoin at the heart of a cultural gathering that attracts 15,000-20,000 visitors on average, offering unparalleled exposure and the access to creative collaborations within a community rich in art and innovation. This is a six month deal that will run from July-December of 2024, the prime time for this event. We also will be given the opportunity to renew on a longer term basis after this initial six months is completed.

It heralds a holistic collaboration aimed at enhancing ApeCoin’s visibility and embedding it deeply within the local cultural and artistic milieu. This partnership is a strategic alliance, underscoring a commitment to support communities that resonate with creativity, innovation, and progressive governance. By integrating ApeCoin into these seminal community events, we’re not only expanding our reach but also aligning seamlessly with our core mission to foster an ecosystem where technology and creativity intersect harmoniously. “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” is set to celebrate the fusion of digital innovation with the arts, setting a precedent for the role of Web3 in cultural and community engagement.

Benefit to ApeCoin Ecosystem:
This partnership extends beyond mere sponsorship, bringing multifaceted benefits to the ApeCoin ecosystem, the city of Las Vegas, and its governance framework:

Amplified Brand Exposure and Community Engagement: As the presenting sponsor, ApeCoin secures prime visibility across all First Friday communications, including official banners prominently displayed throughout the event, mentions in press releases, and a dedicated section on the First Friday website with a hyperlink to ApeCoin’s platform. This comprehensive exposure ensures ApeCoin’s presence is palpable, reaching an expansive audience of artists, enthusiasts, and city dwellers.

Dedicated Space for ApeCoin and Web3 Exploration: Perhaps the most significant advantage of this partnership is the allocation of a large, dedicated area at each First Friday event. This space will serve as the epicenter for presenting ApeCoin and its array of AIP-approved projects. It’s an opportunity to engage the community directly, showcase the practical applications of ApeCoin, and provide a tangible experience of the possibilities within the Web3 ecosystem. This space also allows us to bring in a swath of presenters, who can use our space to showcase their own aligned initiatives, whether that be web3 driven projects or local initiatives.

Strengthened City and Government Relations: The partnership positions ApeCoin as a cultural and economic contributor to Las Vegas, fostering positive engagements with local government and policy makers. This proactive involvement aims to solidify Web3’s role in the city’s future, advocating for a regulatory environment that champions digital innovation.

Foundation for Additional Local Partnerships: Engaging with First Friday opens the door to numerous collaborations within the Las Vegas community, from cultural institutions to technology innovators. These partnerships will be instrumental in solidifying ApeCoin’s presence and influence in the local ecosystem, driving broader acceptance and integration of Web3 technologies.

Catalyst for Web3-Friendly City Development: Beyond immediate brand visibility, this initiative embodies ApeCoin’s commitment to embedding digital currencies within the social and economic fabric of Las Vegas. By demonstrating the value of ApeCoin through community-centric events, we pave the way for Las Vegas to emerge as a beacon for blockchain and digital currencies, inspiring other cities to explore similar collaborations.

Exclusive Benefits as Presenting Sponsor: The array of exclusive benefits, including creative control over the dedicated area, input on featured content and activities, and the ability to highlight ApeCoin’s contributions to the Web3 community, underscores the strategic value of this partnership. It provides a dynamic platform for engaging with a diverse audience, educating them on the benefits of digital currencies, and showcasing the tangible impacts of ApeCoin and its projects on the local community.

In sum, “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” is a landmark initiative that transcends traditional sponsorship. It’s a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering long-term engagement with the Las Vegas community, promoting the adoption of Web3 technologies, and establishing ApeCoin as a pivotal force in the cultural, economic, and governance landscapes of Las Vegas. Through this partnership, we envision a future where ApeCoin is integral to the city’s vibrant cultural scene, supported by a governance framework that embraces the transformative potential of digital currencies.

Sponsorship Details
As the Presenting Sponsor for First Friday, ApeCoin commits to a dynamic and multifaceted involvement, both in terms of what we provide and facilitate. This sponsorship is tailored to leverage ApeCoin’s unique position within the Web3 ecosystem, offering a blend of technological innovation and community engagement at one of Las Vegas’s most anticipated monthly cultural events. Here’s a detailed breakdown of our contributions and facilitations:

Dedicated Exhibition Space: ApeCoin will have access to three 10x10 spaces within the event premises, and a prime location at Boulder Plaza of a 30x60 space reserved for interactive activations. This large dedicated area will serve as a hub for showcasing ApeCoin and its other AIP-approved projects, allowing for immersive experiences that include AI NFT digital art collectibles and educational activities powered by ApeCoin.

Creative Collaborations: The space will be utilized to foster creative collaborations, highlighting the intersection of art and technology. It will feature installations and exhibitions from artists within the ApeCoin community, including those focused on digital and NFT art, providing a platform for these artists to gain exposure and engage with a wider audience. We have already had a great interest in these collaborations, so this proposal would allow us to capitalize on these opportunities.

Brand Visibility: As part of the sponsorship agreement, ApeCoin will be prominently featured on official banners and other event marketing materials. This includes the ApeCoin logo on the monthly event poster, displayed across various platforms, ensuring significant brand visibility. Additionally, three banners provided by the sponsor will be strategically placed throughout the event to maximize exposure. These banners may include QR codes to direct attendees to more information about ApeCoin and its ecosystem.

Website Affiliation: ApeCoin will be featured on the First Friday website with a hyperlink, facilitating easy access for event-goers interested in learning more about ApeCoin, its values, and its projects. This online presence will be complemented by a dedicated social media post on one of First Friday’s platforms each month, further enhancing ApeCoin’s visibility.

Media and Press Engagement: The sponsorship ensures ApeCoin a mention in First Friday’s press releases each month, amplifying our reach beyond the physical event to the broader public and media outlets. The presence of ApeCoin in Las Vegas will be difficult to overlook.

Photos and Videos: Leverage high-tier local production companies to capture professional-grade photos and videos of ApeCoin’s presence and activities during First Friday events. This content will be utilized to further boost ApeCoin’s marketing and community engagement efforts across all digital platforms, showcasing the vibrant interaction between ApeCoin, artists, and attendees.

Marketing Materials to Give Away: Produce and distribute a range of high-quality, visually appealing marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, and ApeCoin-themed merchandise. These items will not only serve as a tangible reminder of the ApeCoin experience at First Friday but also as educational tools to foster a deeper understanding and interest in ApeCoin and the broader Web3 ecosystem.

Educational Materials and Workshops: Develop and offer comprehensive educational materials, including an educational video and printed resources curated with insights from ApeCoin experts. Host workshops and interactive sessions during the First Friday events to educate attendees on ApeCoin, blockchain technology, and the importance of digital currencies in the arts and beyond. These initiatives are designed to demystify ApeCoin for newcomers and enrich the understanding of existing enthusiasts.

Ability to Host Events Year-Round: Beyond the monthly First Friday events, leverage the partnership to host additional events, showcases, and activations throughout 2024. These events will not only maintain the momentum and engagement generated during First Friday but also strengthen ApeCoin’s ongoing relationship with the local community, artists, and city officials. Through year-round events, ApeCoin will solidify its presence and influence within the Las Vegas arts and cultural scene.

By aligning with First Friday, ApeCoin establishes a significant presence within the Las Vegas art community and pioneers the integration of digital innovation into cultural events. This partnership, enriched by comprehensive educational initiatives, engaging marketing materials, and the ability to host year-round events, showcases ApeCoin’s commitment to promoting Web3 technologies, fostering community engagement, and enhancing its ecosystem through the arts.

Presenting Sponsor: A primary sponsorship level that grants ApeCoin prominent branding and visibility at the First Friday events, including the exclusive right to present specific segments or areas within the event space.

First Friday Events: A monthly cultural event in the Las Vegas Arts District that draws artists, performers, and vendors, attracting 15,000-20,000 visitors on average to celebrate art, community, and innovation.

Web3 Technologies: Decentralized online technologies based on blockchain, including cryptocurrencies like ApeCoin, which enable secure, transparent, and direct transactions without intermediaries.

Digital Innovation: The use of digital technology to solve traditional problems, which in the context of this sponsorship, refers to incorporating ApeCoin and blockchain technology into the arts and community events.

Platforms & Technologies
In alignment with the specifics discussed for the ApeCoin sponsorship of First Friday, the following platforms and technologies will be utilized to maximize the impact and engagement of the event:

Social Media Channels: Utilization of platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for promotion before, during, and after the event to highlight ApeCoin’s involvement and to showcase the event’s attractions and ApeCoin-sponsored activities.

Digital Displays: Deployment of high-resolution digital screens within the ApeCoin dedicated area to present interactive content, information about ApeCoin, and visuals of AIP approved projects, enhancing visitor engagement and education on Web3.

Payment Technologies: Introduction of ApeCoin transaction capabilities for the purchase of art, merchandise, and potentially services at the event, demonstrating the practical utility of ApeCoin in a vibrant community setting.

(Click here to view more details)

We plan to implement secure, user-friendly payment gateways that support ApeCoin transactions.

These would include:
Peer-to-Peer Payments: We will also be accepting direct payments of ApeCoin via their payment option of choice. This would be applicable for any business to business transactions as well.

Mobile Payment Apps: We are currently exploring integrating ApeCoin into existing mobile payment applications for ease of use by attendees.

Point-of-Sale Systems: We are currently exploring deploying POS systems that accept ApeCoin, ensuring seamless transactions at vendor stalls.

Audit Plans: We will use one wallet for these transactions that will be available for viewing on the blockchain. If we use any POS systems we will inform the DAO and give access to key information, with potential limitation for customer privacy

Data security is paramount. We will follow these protocols:

Data Collection: Only essential data will be collected, and users will be informed transparently about what data is being collected and for what purpose.

Data Storage: All customer data will be encrypted and stored in secure databases with restricted access or on the blockchain.

Data Security: Implementing industry-standard security measures, including SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular security audits.

Compliance: Ensuring compliance with GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations.

QR Codes: Strategic placement of QR codes on marketing materials and around the ApeCoin areas, directing attendees to educational content, ApeCoin’s website, and other Web3 resources.

QR codes will be used to:

Engage Attendees: Direct attendees to digital content, surveys, and interactive features. An example would be sending them to our JRNY Gallery website ApeCoin landing page, that will be dedicated to informational guides and resources critical to onboarding new users.

Data Collection: Collect data such as number of scans and location based information through voluntary participation.

Data Security: Data collected via QR codes will be encrypted and stored securely, following the same security protocols as for transaction data.

Steps to Implement:
Initial Setup (Immediately After Funding)
Immediately upon securing funding, we’ll initiate the foundational aspects of the sponsorship, including finalizing the partnership details with First Friday, setting up the necessary infrastructure for ApeCoin’s presence (like digital displays and signage), and launching an initial marketing blitz to announce our sponsorship. This phase is crucial for leveraging the momentum and beginning community engagement with minimal delay, ensuring ApeCoin’s visible and impactful presence from the first event.

Partnership Development and Community Engagement (Ongoing from Funding)
Concurrent with the initial setup, we will actively seek and develop additional partnerships within the Las Vegas community. This effort encompasses collaborations with local artists, businesses, and educational entities to enrich the First Friday experience and enhance ApeCoin’s integration into the community. Engaging marketing materials and promotional giveaways will be produced to support these efforts, fostering broader awareness and education about ApeCoin and its ecosystem.

Infrastructure and Technology Deployment (1 Month Prior to First Event)
Leading up to the first event in July, our focus will shift to deploying the necessary technology and infrastructure. This includes working with First Friday to finalize the arrangement of physical spaces like tents and stages. Ensuring a smooth operation for these elements by the July event is paramount for a successful launch.

Event Execution and Continuous Improvement (Starting July, Monthly)
From July onwards, on the First Friday of each month, we will execute our sponsorship plan, actively engaging with event attendees through workshops, presentations, and interactive experiences designed to educate and promote ApeCoin. Following each event, we’ll gather feedback and assess performance against our KPIs to continually refine our approach and offerings.

Long-Term Development and Adaptation (Year-Round)
Beyond the monthly events, we are committed to a strategy of ongoing development and adaptation. This includes expanding our digital content, evolving our promotional strategies, and enhancing community engagement initiatives based on feedback and the evolving needs of the ApeCoin community and the broader Las Vegas arts and cultural ecosystem.

Feedback Mechanism: Establishing a structured feedback mechanism where the DAO can provide input and suggestions continuously. This could be as formal or informal as the DAO would like.**

DAO Representation: We invite a representative from the ApeCoin DAO to coordinate the planning and execution team for these events. This representative will have access to meetings, planning documents, and execution plans. Depending on the level of engagement the representative may desire, we might require them to sign a NDA.

This structured timeline ensures a comprehensive approach to the "ApeCoin Presents First Friday’’ initiative, from immediate post-funding actions to long-term development and community integration. Each phase is designed to build upon the last, maximizing the impact of ApeCoin’s sponsorship and its contribution to fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and innovative community at the intersection of art and digital currency.

Expectations from the Ape Foundation
For the “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” initiative to reach its full potential, the following support and involvement from the Ape Foundation are anticipated:

Funding Approval: Timely approval and disbursement of the allocated budget to ensure that planning and execution can proceed without delays.

Strategic Guidance: Insights and direction from the Ape Foundation (should they opt-in to participate) regarding overarching goals and objectives, ensuring the initiative aligns with ApeCoin’s mission and values.

Promotional Support: Utilization of ApeCoin’s official channels to promote the First Friday partnership, at the Foundation’s discretion, enhancing visibility and engagement within the broader ApeCoin community.

Operational Assistance: Where necessary, operational support in the form of advice, resources, or tools to streamline execution and tackle challenges efficiently.

Community Engagement: Assistance in mobilizing the ApeCoin community to participate in and support the First Friday events, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Feedback and Evaluation: Constructive feedback on the initiative’s progress and outcomes, contributing to continuous improvement and adaptation based on performance metrics and community response.

To further enhance the collaboration and ensure alignment with ApeCoin DAO’s values, we welcome the participation of Ape Foundation/Special Council members in executing the deliverables of this proposal. Members of the Ape Foundation/Special Council will have the option to opt-in and contribute based on their availability and areas of expertise. This inclusion will not only provide strategic insights but also ensure the initiative aligns closely with the broader goals and mission of the ApeCoin DAO. Their involvement can range from strategic planning, oversight, and feedback to active participation in events and community engagements.
By incorporating this option, we aim to foster a more integrated approach, leveraging the collective expertise and guidance of the Ape Foundation/Special Council to maximize the success and impact of the “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” initiative.”

With these expectations clearly defined, the partnership between ApeCoin and First Friday is poised to create a dynamic platform for community engagement, education, and the promotion of Web3 technologies, supported by the strategic backing and resources of the Ape Foundation.

Personnel Requirements for “ApeCoin Presents First Friday”
The successful execution of the “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” initiative will rely on a dedicated team of professionals, each playing a critical role in ensuring the partnership achieves its goals of enhancing visibility, engagement, and value for the ApeCoin community. We are hiring an events manager and a staff to manage deliverables at the moment. Below are the key personnel requirements:

Events and Partnerships Manager: A central figure responsible for overseeing the entire partnership, managing relationships with First Friday organizers, local artists, and businesses, and coordinating the execution of ApeCoin-sponsored activities. This individual will have experience in event management, partnership development, and a strong understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Digital Content Creators: A team tasked with producing engaging digital content that highlights ApeCoin’s involvement in First Friday events. This includes videographers, photographers, graphic designers, and writers who can capture the essence of the events and create compelling stories for social media, the ApeCoin website, and promotional materials.

Social Media Specialists: Experts in social media strategy and execution who will manage ApeCoin’s presence across various platforms. Their role involves crafting and scheduling posts, engaging with the community, analyzing performance data, and adapting strategies to maximize reach and engagement.

Event Operations Staff: Personnel responsible for the setup, management, and breakdown of ApeCoin’s presence at each First Friday event. This includes logistics coordinators, technical support for digital displays and payment systems, and volunteers or part-time staff for day-of event assistance.

Additional Setup Needs for First Friday
To ensure a successful presence and seamless operation at First Friday, the following setup needs will be addressed as part of the sponsorship:

Tents: Provision of sturdy and visually appealing tents to cover the ApeCoin areas, providing shade and shelter for attendees and exhibitors.

Stages: Setup of stages within the ApeCoin area for presentations, workshops, and performances, facilitating interactive and educational sessions about ApeCoin and the broader Web3 ecosystem.

Power Generators: Utilization of power generators to ensure a reliable power supply for digital displays, sound systems, and other electrical needs within the ApeCoin spaces.

Sound Systems: Deployment of high-quality sound systems for clear audio during presentations, workshops, and entertainment activities, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.

Lighting: Installation of effective lighting solutions to ensure the ApeCoin areas are well-lit, creating an inviting atmosphere for evening activities and showcasing the artworks and exhibits.

Furniture and Decor: Provision of comfortable seating, tables, and thematic decor to create an engaging and branded environment in the ApeCoin areas, reflecting the innovative spirit of ApeCoin and the Web3 community.

By incorporating these platforms, technologies, and setup needs, the ApeCoin sponsorship of First Friday is poised to offer a dynamic and educational experience, showcasing the convergence of art, community, and digital innovation, and reinforcing ApeCoin’s commitment to fostering creative and innovative ecosystems.

Overall Cost for “ApeCoin Presents First Friday”

Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 225,000 APE

The budget for the “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” initiative is carefully crafted to ensure comprehensive coverage of all activities and engagements associated with the partnership, aiming for a high-quality execution. Below is a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs, reflecting the investment in making ApeCoin the presenting sponsor and enhancing its community engagement and visibility:

First Friday Presenting Sponsorship:
Cost: 60,000 APE
Six months presenting sponsorship fee for First Friday events, ensuring ApeCoin’s premium exposure and engagement in the vibrant Las Vegas arts community.

Events and Partnerships Manager:
Cost: 40,000 APE
Compensation for a dedicated manager to oversee and enhance the collaboration between ApeCoin and First Friday, including managing partnerships and event execution.

Additional Staffing for Events:
Cost: 18,000 APE
Additional personnel for event days, providing necessary support for setup, operations, and breakdown, ensuring each First Friday event runs seamlessly.

Marketing Material Funds:
Cost: 10,000 APE
Creation and dissemination of promotional and educational materials to effectively communicate ApeCoin’s value and mission at events.

First Friday Event Logistics:
Cost: 25,000 APE
Comprehensive logistical support including tents, stages, power supplies, sound systems, and more, to create an immersive and branded experience for event attendees.

Collaborations Fund:
Cost: 15,000 APE
Funds designated for initiating meaningful collaborations with artists, businesses, and educational initiatives within the Las Vegas community to deepen ApeCoin’s local engagement.

Digital Media Fund:
Cost: 30,000 APE
Significantly increased budget to support the production of high-quality digital content that showcases ApeCoin’s initiatives at First Friday, including videos, live streams, and interactive media for broader audience reach.

Social Media Fund:
Cost: 10,000 APE
Targeted social media campaigns to promote ApeCoin’s involvement in First Friday, driving awareness and engagement through platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Event Technology Setup:
Cost: 5,000 APE
Setting up advanced digital displays and integrating ApeCoin payment technology to facilitate transactions at the events, showcasing the practical application of ApeCoin in real-world settings.

Miscellaneous and Contingency Costs:
Cost: 12,000 APE
A strategic reserve to cover unexpected expenses, ensuring the initiative can adapt to unforeseen challenges and capitalize on emergent opportunities throughout the year.

Reporting Expectations:
KPIs and Success
For the “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” initiative, ensuring its success and impact on the community and the broader ApeCoin ecosystem requires the establishment of specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These KPIs will help in measuring the effectiveness of the sponsorship, the engagement of the community, and the promotion of ApeCoin and blockchain technology within the cultural fabric of Las Vegas. Here are the tailored KPIs and the plan for success:

Attendance Numbers at First Friday Events: Success will be gauged by the number of visitors to the ApeCoin-sponsored sections during First Friday events. A consistent increase in attendance will indicate growing interest and engagement with ApeCoin’s presence.

Engagement with Interactive Displays and Workshops: Measuring the participation rate in educational workshops and interactions with digital displays. High engagement rates will reflect the effectiveness of these platforms in educating attendees about ApeCoin and the wider Web3 world.

Social Media Engagement and Reach: Tracking increases in followers, likes, shares, and comments related to the First Friday events across ApeCoin’s social media platforms. This metric will help assess the digital reach and impact of the event sponsorship.

Feedback from Participants and Partners: Collecting qualitative feedback from event attendees, local artists, and business partners. Positive feedback will indicate the success of ApeCoin’s integration into the community and its role in enhancing the First Friday experience.

Number of New Partnerships Formed: The success of the initiative will also be measured by the number of new collaborations with local artists, businesses, and educational institutions. This will demonstrate ApeCoin’s ability to foster community ties and support the local arts scene.

The plan for success revolves around closely monitoring these KPIs, with regular reviews to assess progress and identify areas for improvement. The initiative will adapt strategies based on real-world data and feedback, ensuring that "ApeCoin Presents First Friday’’ not only meets but exceeds its goals of community engagement, education, and showcasing the utility of ApeCoin. Through this dynamic and responsive approach, the initiative aims to solidify ApeCoin’s presence in Las Vegas and pave the way for future collaborations that bridge digital innovation with cultural and community events.

These KPIs will be tracked continuously and provided in detail within two reports. The first report will capture the results of July-September and the second report will recap the entire first six months of the project. Frequency of reports can be increased upon request with at least two weeks notice for turnaround.



The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in less than 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.

  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.

  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.


This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@JRNYCLUB has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 432.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Our team has reviewed and discussed @JRNYCLUB’s AIP Draft and have sent a list of initial questions. We await answers.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@JRNYCLUB has responded to our questions. We have sent follow up questions to the author.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@JRNYCLUB has responded to our questions. This AIP is now under Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


This proposal is live for vote at Snapshot. The voting period closes 13 days from now at 9PM EST.

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimize for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The voting period has closed for this proposal and it has been accepted with a 50.35% pass rate. The proposal will be passed on for implementation.

Follow this proposal under the AIP Transparency and Execution Category. A new post has been created here, Implementation Update | AIP-432: ApeCoin Presents First Friday: Bridging Communities, and further updates will be posted.

