AIP-66 – ApeCoin Newsletter Nomination

AIP-66: ApeCoin Newsletter - follow the link provided to read the full AIP

The main purpose of the ApeCoin Newsletter is to help the community develop trusted sources of information from decentralized channels and provide benefits beyond a single information source. The Ape Foundation will provide funding to ad hoc channels across the internet and/or individuals to run the ApeCoin Newsletter. The nominates will be able to expand their reach and have dedicated resources to spreading the ApeCoin ecosystem and DAO news.

It should be an aggregation of ApeCoin specific ecosystem news, AIPs, conversations, opportunities, and content sourced from Discourse, Discord, Twitter, and other internet destinations. The newsletter should promote and educate all things related to the ApeCoin DAO.

The ApeCoin DAO is looking for team players, and people who have lots of passion for Web3 and its trends like DAOs, NFTs, Cryptocurrency, gaming, etc. Is that you? Then keep reading.

Criteria: Each month will be two newsletters distributed to their subscribers. The Ape Foundation will validate every month that the persons / teams have sent two newsletters.

How to participate

Teams can nominate themselves on this thread to take on the project.

  • Comment below if you wish to be nominated, and;
  • Include a link to any social media or communication channels you currently operate and how big your follower base is;
  • This Topic automatically closes in two weeks. Make sure to sign up before July 22nd at 2 pm Eastern Time.

After the topic closes on July 22nd at 2 pm Eastern Time, the Administrators will select the top 3 nominations using the following criteria:

  • How many likes your comment has by users that have been on Discourse for longer than 5 days from the day this topic was posted;
  • In case of a tie, the persons / teams with the largest follower base across the communication channels they operate, and for which they provided the link for on this nomination thread, will be selected.

The persons / teams selected to participate in the Newsletter will be subject to agreeing to an ApeCoin Grant Agreement.

Compensation & Timeline

For each persons / teams that are selected, the ApeCoin Foundation will send 400 ApeCoin per month over the course of one year, every month two newsletters (every other week).

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Creating copy and content newsletters
  • Researching Web3-related topics and writing clear copy to inform the ApeCoin DAO
  • Identify content gaps and recommend new topics and types of content to the Newsletter’s subscribers.
  • Create content ideas and turn them into dynamic, inspirational words that get our members excited so that it helps create awareness and builds our clients’ business
  • Edit/proofread copy
  • The persons / teams implementing this AIP would need a platform to collect email addresses and distribute a branded newsletter. Some platforms they could use are Substack, Ghost, MailChimp, or something similar.
  • It would be cool if the chosen persons / teams could implement some functionality whereby subscribers would be required to sign a message (WalletConnect, MetaMask) with an address that has at least one ApeCoin in it.

What is next?

After this topic closes, and the nominees have been verified and validated, a new post will be created on Discourse to announce the nominated persons / teams who will be in charge of the newsletter.


Having newsletters for our ecosystem is really important. I’ve been following & running a small newsletter for a while now! It’d be awesome to be selected for this. I’ve had great interactions w/ holders across the ecosystem & also have participated in multiple twitter spaces.

IYKYK ~ I’ve got rockstar stats on these DAO forums & bring a conservative DAO-first approach w/ focus on gaming & Yuga’s Otherside. I’m an active participant in every game built in the ecosystem and will continue joining these. When a game offers Apecoin rewards, I get involved!

(I’m building a cool news website too for Apecoin & Otherside related things)

I have more ideas for creating content here on the forums w/ threads like this…!
We’ll build a few newsletters: alerts for voting, promotions for Apecoin /Otherside stuff, & more.

2 Options For Signup - Use My Twitter For Easy 1-Click
Website w/ translations for international users:


I am nominating myself for this and would be honored to be selected (please like this comment to vote for me :handshake:). My vision and goal of this project is to build credibility and exposure for the Apecoin DAO. A newsletter would just be the start, with the goal to build out an entire news media outlet, including a newsletter, website, interviews, videos, podcasts, social channels, and more.

I’m a passionate member of both the BAYC and Apecoin communities and would love the opportunity to serve them by bringing them weekly updates on each AIP + everything happening inside our Apecoin DAO.

I currently write a weekly newsletter analyzing each AIP that comes through, providing a quick recap that people can use to stay up-to-date without having to be glued to Discord and Twitter all day long. I believe my newsletter style would pair well with others providing updates on topics like gaming.

I have also been in touch with the Bored Ape Gazette to possibly have my newsletter be a part of his website/reporting. The opportunities to collaborate and create a robust news outlet would be a great way for our DAO to build credibility and trust within the community.

Below are links to my newsletter and Twitter account. Thank you for your consideration.


Hey guys,

My target is to significantly increase participation of $APE holders in the DAO. I want them to get obsessed with voting, proposal creation and building. And I will get it done, because only together we will hit hard.

The newsletter will help to spread words via $APE holders. Also, I will be able to report to the community how other DAOs resolving such problems.

I am author of the proposal to reward ApeCoin DAO voters with free NFTs. At the moment it’s under Special Council review.

And to keep ApeCoin within the Ethereum ecosystem, which was approved by the community.

My Twitter


Hi team, thank you for the opportunity! We are extremely happy to see how vibrant the community can be and how we think to make the DAO better. Here we wanna nominate ourselves as contributors for the newsletter program!

We (BeepCrypto) are a community and research driven media in Asia, specializing in NFTs, DAOs,Web3 and Creator Economy. We are one of the first organizations focusing on NFTs in China and have partnered with many well-known projects ( The Sandbox, Animoca Brands, YGG, RTFKT, etc.) . With over 100k fan base both in social media and communities, we believe we have the ability to help Apecoin DAO grow especially in Asian market.

Language: Chinese, English, Filipino

Social Medias:

*** Certified financial KOL on Weibo**

*** Over 100k fans on social medias and communities**

*** NFT / Metaverse / Gamefi / DAO / Web3 Centric**

Weibo (Chinese version of twitter ):


What we can do with content:

We have rich experience not only in content writing, translations but also on media distributions both in traditional and blockchain related media outlets.

1. Newsletter type:

NFT Insider Newsletter ( Average exposure 1500 views; distribute on 8+ medias; 20k views in average / piece ):

2. Deep-dive Research ( Article / thread )

3. Whitepaper/Wiki/Gitbook/Announcement Translation

4. Social Media Update

5. Video

What we have talked about Apecoin before:

We would love to contribute in appliance with what the team needs, and if possible, we would love to brainstorm with the team based on market condition and localization. Besides the basics, we would also love to support the team with our extra resources as well.


This is Joseph also known as BAYC Voyage, joint the Club since 2021 May.
Early believer of BAYC and Web3.

Since then I kept my self closely involved and follow all the major NFT/Gaming/Metaverse related evolution,participating as much as possible online/offline events in order to stay updated.
DAO newsletter is a great initiative to keep our community updated with the fast evolving industry trends, interesting News/ Milestones/ innovation projects, in order to keep ApeCoin evolving as one of the most essential currency/step stone in the Web3 world.

Thanks for your consideration and hopefully I could be chosen to share my observation, knowledge and passion with all our family members!

Cheers and keep building!

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I am writing on behalf of Fief to present why we believe to be the ideal candidate to create the bi-monthly newsletter dedicated to the ApeCoin ecosystem.

About Fief

Fief is the first economic guild of the metaverse with the primary objective to build decentralized protocols and game systems that plug into popular metaverse projects. Our first protocol, the Fief Marketplace, is currently live on the Avalanche c-chain with a summer 2022 expansion in the works to Ethereum.

Critical to Fief’s mission is the education of gamers and crypto users on the intricacies of NFT-based economies across the metaverse. To achieve this, we are leveraging two main approaches:

  1. The Fief Library: a dedicated media outlet that provides daily content including game guides, project analysis, and metaverse news.

  2. A curation layer introduced into our protocols that allows for seamless integration into game partner token economies, game meta, and lore.

We are a team of 25+ individuals with a particular focus on engineering and are rapidly expanding our Library division with a dedicated editorial staff, in addition to leveraging the hivemind that is the Fief Guild – a conglomerate of gamers, NFT collectors, and cryptocurrency traders bound together by the Fief Initial Guild Membership (IGM) NFT.

Twitter Link:
Fief Twitter Followers: 14.1K
Fief Discord Members: 3,220

Why Fief Fits The Mold

As mentioned, we are serious about content as a method of onboarding users into promising metaverse applications. There is no doubt that Fief is ideally positioned to step into a role of managing the ApeCoin newsletter for three major reasons:

1. Scalable Content Creation

As a revenue-generating project, we have the capacity to scale dedicated writing staff to provide content related to the ApeCoin ecosystem as it grows. We are not reliant on the $APE grant to see this newsletter come to fruition but would welcome the additional source of capital.

Additionally, we are developing a web3-native approach to rewarding content creators who provide write-ups to the Fief Library and can easily extend this reward infrastructure to the ApeCoin newsletter. In short, our reward system leverages an internal guild economic system fueled by the FIEF utility token – we are actively pioneering new ways for NFT-based distribution that ties into guild participation via smart contract systems already in production.

Notably, we actually already began our coverage of the Otherside metaverse via the Fief Library, as we deemed it a core project to focus on within the guild.

2. Engineering Capacity

It’s mentioned in the AIP that you are potentially interested in wallet-based interaction with the newsletter. This is actually something that we are already thinking about for the Fief Library and would be more than happy to extend our engineering capacities to make a more web 3-centric newsletter offering.

As we are hyper-focused on bringing protocols to market that drive additional layers of utility to metaverse economies, we believe that Fief’s handling of the ApeCoin newsletter would be a first major step towards broader interaction with the ecosystem. We would love to explore additional ways we can support the Otherside/ApeCoin economy from a protocol level.

3. Security & Compliance

An under-stated point in other submissions will likely be the proper management of critical user data, i.e, emails. We take user privacy very seriously and will leverage the best industry standards to make certain this data is secure. Additionally, we are implementing appropriate data compliance solutions to cover GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant standards.

As we are an established entity, we would be happy to meet regularly with key DAO stakeholders for quality assurance purposes. This is especially important if the end goal is to introduce web3 systems into the newsletter infrastructure.


Fief is the ideal candidate to take over responsibilities for the official ApeCoin newsletter. The combination of our technical expertise, industry experience, and ability to scale past grant resources positions Fief advantageously to educate users on all things ApeCoin.

We greatly appreciate this community’s consideration and would gladly provide any additional materials or insights into Fief as a follow-up step.

Hi, I’m Kyle with the Bored Ape Gazette and I’d love to be apart of the ApeCoin Newsletter. I’ve been covering the BAYC since June 2021 on my website and on Twitter @Boredapegazette


Hey there my ape fam,

We are a team of 8peeps running an NFT news website, we are on top3 google search results for hot keywords like trending NFTs, NFT news, … so we have a decent amount of daily traffic already.

We have collected a diverse set of projects in our NFTnewspro wallet, such as a KingsRobe ape #4894, otherdee
dland, moonbirds, coolcats, meebits, … so we can have access to all communities to cover the news.

I’m the chief advisor so obviously, i have to be the most active one in the space, also im one of the members of "Admit One’ collaboration team and have the privilege to get many data/news first handed, our acnts have pretty legit followers and our engagement is much higher than most of the acnts with 5 times our numbers, and also we run weekly 2/3 spaces with +500 online listeners.
If we have the honor to be part of this historic movement we can allocate at least 2members to only cover all ApeDAO ecosystem related news.

link to our website:

Twitter account:


Hello ApeCoin team and @everyone in the community,

I nominate myself 0xApe ( @0xApe) to join the ApeCoin Newsletter. I’m an OG in the crypto world since 2015.

If I can be one of your teams, apart from being a content contributor, I can also bring our outstanding media and community add-value resources to the development of your project:

Investment and research ability

  • I am a deep user of the Internet, so I can get the latest international views and news about ApeCoin ecosystem and DAO news without time difference. Meanwhile, I have been in the NFT market since the earliest CryptoKitties, and I have been in contact with BAYC for nearly a year. I have my own designer. Next I’ll show you some cases I’ve done before.

Here are four examples for your review

Aggregation of latest info and private tools

  • With constant monitoring on the on-chain data of smart money\tvl, I provide insightful suggestions about listing timing, market hot spots and business model. In particular, nfttrack allows me to get instant update of KOL’s trading activities within the NFT market. At the same time, i also have tools for free mint to check which are the hottest projects in the market and the projects with the highest rate of return.


  • I have 80k total followers.

I hope you vote for me in the upcoming election!

If you have any questions, u could keep me posted.


@river please don’t make votes based on likes anymore. There are players who registered tons of bots upfront, this way the “community” will choose the most corrupted members.


i think its best that they count the votes who have the certificate, at least bots cant do that :crossed_fingers:t3:

Thanks for pointing this out. Luckily these accounts that are voting do not count. Most are newly created & are disqualified.

Writers within the DAO like @Boredapegazette and @Vulkan and myself still appear to be in the lead for this newsletter nomination.

Probably will have to avoid voting like this in future so accounts created for this vote cannot be reused as qualifying votes.


@0xSword is correct, we have written an internal script to ensure only accounts created 5 days prior to this post are valid, which has weeded out any accounts that were newly created. #ForAndByTheCommunity

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Hi all, nice initiative.

Only one doubt for open discussion, this AIP may not be in overlapping with the AIP70 to grant funds to BoredApeGazette (also will cover newsletters)? Eventually the value I see to have another source of newsletters is in other languages not covered by the Gazette, like in Chinese for Asia / chinese speakers.

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Expanding influence can not be limited to old users, and should encourage more new users to participate in this ApeCoin Dao voting.As a communication media function, it should ensure that it has a strong fan base.

How will you determine other bots which were created upfront to the 5 days period?

Agreed. I am mostly saying that it was specified in the AIP that there would be a rule, “How many likes your comment has by users that have been on Discourse for longer than 5 days from the day this topic was posted;” and we are following that rule.

I would definitely encourage the community to write AIPs to satisfy a different metric, in fact, if any of the new members would like some help, I will make myself immediately available.

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Cool! There are still two days left, let’s wait. :airplane: :airplane: :airplane:

I support talking exclusively with data and rules. At the same time, I don’t mind applicants comparing the number of active users on their websites or tools individually.

BTW I have shared the following with my community fans this week and now I also want to share this weekly report with ApeCoin:
We have analyzed 800,000 address wallets, including 700,000 ens addresses. The latest data for this week are presented as follows:

  • Whales trade volume(12.Jul is 8.3k which is the most)
  • Whales active levels(44k Trading, 39k Minting)
  • Top 3 minted collections by whales(Mirakai Scrolls、Bored & Dangerous、ENS)
  • Top 5 whales with most profit
  • Top 5 whales with highest fliprate

Hope you like it!!!
:star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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I put some like and changed my mind and wish to un-like, but the forum doesn’t allow to un-like? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: