Personal Information
Discourse ID: @butterhoops
Country of Residence: United States
Nomination Statement:
Highly dedicated to improving the quality of gaming experiences. Deep knowledge of game system design, mechanics balance, and what makes players come back for more. Outside of gaming I have been an active member of countless web3 communities.
Motivation, Vision & Goals:
Motivated to bringing community members together in 3D spaces. Exploring how to create pathways for social and gaming interaction to take place. Plan to empower targeted builders from successful gaming studios to develop timelines for deeper games.
Values & Commitment:
My mission is to encourage production of tools and experiences that can bridge the ApeCoin experience with traditional gaming. This dedication takes a daily push towards identifying key infrastructure + building an ecosystem for gaming competition and content.
Concluding Statement:
- Focused on bridging ApeCoin with traditional gaming through tools and experiences
- Daily efforts to identify key infrastructure and build a robust gaming ecosystem
- Motivated to bring community members together in 3D spaces for social and gaming interactions
- Empowering builders from successful gaming studios to develop deeper games
- Dedicated to improving gaming quality with expertise in game system design, mechanics balance, and player retention
- Active member of numerous web3 communities