Doc for Vote with ape!

To vote with ApeCoin on Snapshot, follow these simple steps:

Access Snapshot: Go to the Snapshot site where voting takes place.
-Connect your wallet: You’ll need to connect your digital wallet, which contains your ApeCoins. This is usually done via a “Connect Wallet” button on the site.
-Authenticate yourself: To participate in the voting, you need to prove that you hold ApeCoins. The authentication process verifies your balance without spending any transaction fees.
-Find the proposal: Search for the specific proposal you wish to vote on. It will be listed with the other current proposals.
-Vote: Once you’ve found the proposal, you can vote for or against it. Your vote will be proportional to the number of ApeCoins you hold.

Remember that each ApeCoin counts as one vote in the ApeCoin DAO voting process.
It’s a democratic way to participate in important decisions concerning the ApeCoin ecosystem. Happy voting!


Empowering the community through ApeCoin DAO voting on Snapshot is a democratic gem! Connecting wallets, authenticating without transaction fees, and casting proportional votes with ApeCoins—simple steps for impactful decisions


My rewards this seasons, I will focus all on holding to increase my voting power.
Little by little we are creating relevance.

here is the website → Snapshot


I like that each ApeCoin counts as one vote in the ApeCoin DAO voting process, It’s really a democratic way to participate in important decisions concerning the ApeCoin ecosystem and I will focus on increasing my Apecoins.


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