It would be good to get an update on the voting cycle?
Voting was stopped with ApeChain launch, when will it start again?
Perhaps an announcement in advance would be good.
Also how will it start? Will APE on both chains be able to vote?
It would be good to get an update on the voting cycle?
Voting was stopped with ApeChain launch, when will it start again?
Perhaps an announcement in advance would be good.
Also how will it start? Will APE on both chains be able to vote?
No AIPs were selected to go to vote for the current voting cycle. As voting occurs on the first and third Thursdays of each month, and October contains a rare fifth Thursday, the next round of AIP voting would begin on Thursday, November 7th.
Developers are currently working on enabling voting using $APE on ApeChain, and more updates will be released as soon as they’re available. In the meanwhile, traditional voting via Snapshot from Ethereum mainnet will continue as normal.
great, thanks for the feedback. Appreciated.
Is voting still going on? My AIP has been in administrative review for over 2 months. I know that the council doesn’t want to give advance notice so that a whale couldn’t buy votes just for their proposal, but, unfortunately, after so much time, a lot of momentum is gone. However, I’d still like to at least get through the vote. It’s AIP-480 (AIP-480: ApeCoin DAO & the Future of DAO Legitimacy).
Kapow! Nice, we have plan
Yes, voting is still going on. We’ll be sure to update you with more information as it’s released.
Thank you very much!
@bigbull thanks for posting this I was also excited for the next round of voting. That being said once this last round of AIPs is passed I imagine there will be some follow up with regard to the restructuring efforts. I believe the DAO roles will also be up for election soon e.g. facilitator. I may be mistaken on timelines and just in a frenzy of voting on things but I also look forward to the BAYC Special Council elections and other elected positions around the Club coming to a point of reinvigoration.
Thanks for the update! Clarity is key. Much appreciated.
Just in case anyone missed it - snapshot strategies have now been updated to allow ApeCoins on ApeChain to vote. No excuses. Get out and vote!
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