GWG - AIP - 408 - OKR4, KR2 & KR3 - ApeCoin Forum potential updates / suggestions

GWG - AIP - 408 - OKR4: Improve our Discourse user experience by utilizing community polls

This thread is directly related to OKR4, KR2 and KR3 list on AIP-408.

Following on from the thread about I think a dedicated thread about improvements and suggestions to the forum ( can be added here as responses.

I separate this as here (the forum) we are able to have more control and update things in a more timely manner as compared to changes on the main website. This is because the forum runs on an independent discourse platform.


I am moving the posts here so easier to follow.

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Change default view to Activity most recent in the AIP Implementation updates.

Currently the AIP implementation is showing the most recently added post vs most recent activity (e.g. replies on that post).

It would be better to show the most recent activity as the most recently added AIP won’t have an update for months, so the first posts will always not have anything to update.

This change will improve the user experience.

Link to section:

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Quoting the post from Banana Bill updates here as relevant to this topic.

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A bug

A Suggestion

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Data Standards.

The taxonomy needs much work in the Forum. Some of these tags are a bit weird or redudant. @Facilitators @Ape.Admin

Wouldn’t it better to just have:


Temp check does it warrant a tag?

Also you have Governance and also Governance-July-2024

Also it isn’t even used.

Current Tags


Example Tag Structure from ENS

Not all are relevant, but many are.


All relevant.

Arbitrum Tags

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Fake Admin accounts

This is the correct admin @Ape.Admin

But there are loads which appear to be fake.


Leaving this is a big security risk

Maybe ban user names including admin?


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Incorrect Members in the Secretary Group

Please remove ALL members who are not the Secretary role.


This is incorrect.

When do you plan to fix it thanks?


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Terms of Service - Out of date and incomplete

This is the terms of service default from 2018 from Discourse, note before the Foundation was established. It is not updated and customised in full to be applicable to the ApeCoin Foundation. It is customisable as they have added the email for the Foundation in the contents.

@Ape.Admin @Facilitators please address asap.

The Governing law has not been Updated to the Cayman Islands, nor has the city.


Text added at the end for reference:


governing_law will govern any dispute related to these terms or your use of the forum.

You and the company agree to seek injunctions related to these terms only in state or federal court in city_for_disputes. Neither you nor the company will object to jurisdiction, forum, or venue in those courts.

Other than to seek an injunction or for claims under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, you and the company will resolve any dispute by binding American Arbitration Association arbitration. Arbitration will follow the AAA’s Commercial Arbitration Rules and Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. Arbitration will happen in city_for_disputes. You will settle any dispute as an individual, and not as part of a class action or other representative proceeding, whether as the plaintiff or a class member. No arbitrator will consolidate any dispute with any other arbitration without the company’s permission.

Any arbitration award will include costs of the arbitration, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and reasonable costs for witnesses. You and the company may enter arbitration awards in any court with jurisdiction.

General Terms

If a provision of these terms is unenforceable as written, but could be changed to make it enforceable, that provision should be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Otherwise, that provision should be removed.

You may not assign your agreement with the company. The company may assign your agreement to any affiliate of the company, any other company that obtains control of the company, or any other company that buys assets of the company related to the forum. Any attempted assignment against these terms has no legal effect.

Neither the exercise of any right under this Agreement, nor waiver of any breach of this Agreement, waives any other breach of this Agreement.

These terms embody all the terms of agreement between you and the company about use of the forum. These terms entirely replace any other agreements about your use of the forum, written or not.


Dead links

The site feedback category doesn’t exist @Ape.Admin @Facilitators please fix.


As a Steward I am unable to mention and tag another WG Stewards.

I am able to do so for other working groups. @Facilitators

Also Stewards marketing group has need been updated and we are months after the election. Please add @Yumi to that group.




Bring back Birthdays and Anniversaries function, like used by Arbitrum Forum

I like how Arbitrum organises the information.

With the top 3 articles for core areas. Note Delegation is pretty important over there.

WalletConnect in the forum only gives the option of a QR Code. When I copy the long string and then copy into Safe it won’t add a connect.

Please can you test this.


It gives this error.


It shows this for a split second.


Then just disappears.



Continuing the discussion from GWG - AIP - 408 - OKR4, KR2 & KR3 - ApeCoin Forum potential updates / suggestions:

I looked at Safe DAO and saw they have many ways to create an account on their Safe Dao Forum. This reduces the barrier to get more people to join the forum.

ApeCoin has 30,000 Wallets have connected to the ApeCoin Snapshot, but only around 5000 are members of the forum.

By comparison ApeCoin DAO only has a simple sign up form.


Tags need updating in the Announcement Channels

  1. FAC not part now of GWG.

  2. Need tags for initiatives:

Delegate Accelerator
Small Grants

@Facilitators @Stewards_Governance

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We have provided many updates that need to be made.
I have shared this thread with Web Slinger on September 14th to work on maintaining and updating the website and Discourse. According to the RFP scope of work this should 2 business days for standard changes. Longer for things, like the update needed for Wallet Connect to work.

FYI this is specifically under their scope of the RFP.

I have shared here, as this is part of the OKRs of the GWG, which we are reliant on a third party to implement.

For futher details:

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