Implementation Update | AIP-289: Designing a Mascot for Apecoin

AIP Name: AIP-289: Designing a Mascot for Apecoin

Implementation Status: Complete

Implementation Date: 2/16/2024

Author: @AnnieRawrz

Abstract Summary: This proposal aims to create a unique, ape/monkey-inspired mascot for the Apecoin DAO. The mascot will add depth and personality to the brand, creating an emotional connection and sparking curiosity. My proposal highlights the benefits of having a mascot, including brand recognition, collaboration promotion, community building, adaptability, inspiration for artists, narrative elements, and improving the Discord environment.

Overall Cost: $5,750

Related AIPs: AIP-1: Proposing the DAO - Process, AIP-246: Working Group Charter - Marketing & Communications & AIP-291: Approve and Publish ApeCoin DAO Brand Guidelines v1.1 on

Timeline Updates:
2/16/24: Dear Community,

ApeKin is an asset of the ApeCoin brand.
Here you can find the ApeKin Mascot Guide, this guide includes:

  1. Character sheet
  2. 3D Model download
  3. ApeKin heads
  4. 10 full body illustrations
  5. 14 stickers
  6. Permitted use
  7. Do’s and Don’ts

ApeKinMascotGuideV1.pdf (1017.0 KB)

Request a license to use ApeCoin brand assets for your own project/product/service via

Interview Q&A: The author has responded to our questions and has not provided consent to share them in this forum for the community.


@AnnieRawrz this has been a real success. Used IRL, in the Metaverse and other places. I would love to see your update here.

Also as we move to Telegram more in ApeChain, maybe you can create something for Telegram?

Also this kind of thing we can fund more quickly under the small grants Initiative.

GWG - Small Grants Notion

Hi BigBull!
Yeh I can prepare Telegram stickers. Gonna use the existing ones.

Currently on a creative break.
I’ll reach out to you once I’m ready to make more awesome stuff.

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:apekinconcerned: :apekinconcerned: :apekinfacepalm: :apekingm: :apekinlfg: :apekinpoint: :apekinpoint2: :apekinready: :apekinrunning: :apekinsorry: :apekinpause:

:apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug: :apekinhug:

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