Personal Information
Discourse ID: LOR3LORD
Country of Residence: United States of America
Educational Background: Bachelor’s Degree in English Language Arts
Professional Background: Non Profit Center Director
Nomination Statement
Concise statement on why you are running for the Marketing & Communications WG Steward
I am running for Steward of the Marketing & Communication Working Group because I have a unique set of skills that allow me to translate the information we get from nerds and turn it into a message that is on brand with our user base and reaches communities outside our ecosystem.
Details on your motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO Marketing & Communications WG Steward
My motivation is that I want to further the Ape Coin brand position and identity in a fun, meaningful, and engaging way. My goal is to create content that is easy for people to understand, gets them excited about the message, and exposes Ape Coin DAO to new markets.
Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin community
I have several relevant skills that will bring value to the DAO including non profit leadership, budget management, event coordination, sponsorship development, and content creation.
The Degen Stuff:
Hosted spaces since 2021.
Developed Live Events like #NOTNFTNYC.
Hosted Live Event Panel for Philly ApeFest Satellite Event.
Produced funny informative videos explaining the DAO.
Produced funny informative videos about DAO candidates.
Created Ads for several Ape Products including Bored Bagels
Created Highlight video for F* ck It Saturday
Created Highlight video for Beeples Punk Event
Awarded MBA License #00148
Recipient of ThankApe Season 4 Grant.
The Nerd Stuff:
Managed a Non-Profit since 2015.
Grew annual budget from $250k to $1,000,000.
Written several successful Federal Grants.
Developed relationships with major corporations for funding.
Organized Local Chapters of Volunteers.
Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation, and/or ideas for DAO improvement
I’m not a computer, but here are my specs:
2 Years of space host experience.
250 Space episodes of ALL OF US RADIO.
84 Space episodes of Almost Daily Creepz Show.
9 pieces of video content since August 23.
60,000+ video views.
8 years non profit management experience.
8 years grant writing experience.
$1,000,000 annual budget management.
1 Made By Apes License.
1 ThankApe Award
100% committed.
You can view my library of assets for ALL OF US RADIO here:
You can view my library of assets for Overlord/Creepz here:
Concluding Statement
Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Marketing & Communications WG Steward
I’m the best choice for the Marketing & Communications Working Group Steward because I have the ability to take information and turn it into content that is easy to understand and fun to consume.
I have logged several hours in spaces as a host, produced several pieces of funny and informative content to onboard new users and encourage Ape Coin DAO participation. I have also hosted several live events that brought users together from several different communities. I have a proven track record of distributing information across several mediums.
In my professional life, I have experience marketing our non profit organization to outside donors, writing grants at the federal level, state, and local levels. I have also grown and managed an annual budget of $1,000,000.