@ssp1111 - Special Council Nomination 01/2024

Personal Information

Discourse ID: @ssp1111

Twitter: x.com

Educational Background:

Claremont Men’s College, California - International Relations
UCLA, California - Business

Professional Background:


  • ApeComms, ApeCoinRadio, Trust Level 3 ApeCoinDAO (Top 5 All-Time)
  • Philanthropy - Advisory Board Member Charitable Community Foundation


  • Startups - Sold Mobile Virtual World Gaming Studio to King.com (Pre- Candy Crush),
  • Record Label, Band Manager, Sportswear Fashion Brand
  • Brand Activations - Coachella, WeWork, Nintendo, Google VR, Oatly, Tourism Board
  • Executive - Starwood Hotels (Planet Hollywood, Westin, St Regis), Toscana Country Club, Yellowstone Club World, Multiple Luxury Brands

Nomination Statement

Concise statement on why you are running for the Special Council


My Single Issue is to reduce the confusion around the Special Council role and duties by returning the SC back to being THE BOARD as originally envisioned by Yuga Labs, back when they dropped the DAO in our laps.

FOUNDING DOCS: THE BOARD provides ““stewardship and oversight of the APE Foundation”” - the non-profit entity in the Cayman Islands – not stewardship of the DAO.

Also, ““ensuring the implementation of the ApeCoin DAO’s intentions and wishes as manifested through approved AIPs”” – is pretty much the extent of their expected interactions with and responsibilities to the DAO.

It’s a BOARD role. Pure and simple.

By accomplishing this the community is better able to understand and communicate what the SC does and does not do, making messaging easier within and outside the walls of the DAO. This also clears the lanes and opens up opportunities for the community to propose bold, ambitious ideas such as ApeChain RFPs, Investment Funds, Treasury Management, etc without ““waiting for the Council to do something””. No more confusion.

““In clarity’s embrace, the strength to mend confusion lies;
in transparency’s gaze, the foundation of trust doth rise;
and in simplicity’s stride, forward we move with purpose, wise.””

  • SShakesPeare

One more thing, as a long standing Advisory Board Member of a Charitable Foundation you learn that in order to get others to donate you need to lead and prime the pump. So, if I am elected, I hereby pledge 22% of the salary to be split evenly between RedApes.org (the non-profit that BAYC supported back in 2021) and our own Philanthropic Charitable Foundation if/when it launches.


Details on your motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO Special Council member

After 525 consecutive days in the DAO, I’ve seen us shift from a ghost town with a pretty quiet community and a silent Special Council to a year of activity, experiments, infrastructure growth and a much more engaged and interactive Special Council. While not everything has gone the way I had hoped, there’s more to be excited about than not.

Except for the community’s over reliance and overblown expectations of what the Special Council does and does not do, what they can and cannot do, and a host of misinformation that repeatedly gets tossed around our channels and out into the broader web3 community. As a community we’ve elevated the SC to a position of Executive Leadership and Stewards of the DAO and I imagine, they have felt compelled to take on these tasks to counter this constant stream of unrealistic expectations, demands and requests.

In my opinion, this has led to bloated job descriptions, which has led to more confusion, calls for weekly reporting, criticism when nothing is done, criticism when proposals are proposed, arguments instead of debates, and a general us vs them environment (I know, that last one is a little hyperbolic, but indulge me).

As the SINGLE ISSUE CANDIDATE, I wish to change this by returning the Special Council back to their intended role as a BOARD, thereby by bringing clarity and a simple to grasp understanding back to the community.


Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin community

These are the skills and experience I bring as value to the DAO:

• I have earned the Trust Level 3 in the ApeCoin DAO
• I’m on 525+ Consecutive Days Active and Participating (Top 5 All-Time Stats)
• I am part of the ApeComms OG Team
• Co-hosted 52+ Consecutive Weeks ApeComms Spaces with Lost, Mon, Weds, Friday
• Author, Co-Author, Contributor AIP-64, AIP-142, AIP-175, AIP-226, AIP-246, AIP-348, AIP-351
• Grant Recipient AIP-64 (IRL Events Study)

Plus all my real world stuff which just makes me a pretty good manager of people, processes and profits. I’m an active listener, always a team player, always eager to learn and always driven to elevate and empower others.


Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation, and/or ideas for DAO improvement

Here are my ApeCoin DAO Super-Powers:

I have a firm grasp of how and where the Special Council fits into the ApeCoin DAO universe, their relationship with the Admins, the APE Foundation, and the community. I currently advocate for the DAO on a daily basis and can communicate to the broader web3 community about the opportunities and challenges that we face and will need to overcome.

This is not someone walking off the street and having to learn on the job (super-power).

Here are a few of my ideas for DAO improvement:

  • Angel Fund for deploying funds faster, now with RevShare and Equity Agreements
  • Reducing expenses and operational overhead via automation and consolidation
  • Social Impact and Philanthropic Ventures to do some good and to counter and bury negative press coverage (pledging 22% of the salary to jump start this endeavor)

Concluding Statement

Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Special Council

Humble-brag #1 - possibly the most active and engaged candidate on the ballot (data: Discourse).

525+ days of ApeCoin DAO activity allow me to understand and communicate the historical perspective, the experiments, the proposals, the authors, the teams that came before and the awareness of how the Special Council interacts with the APE Foundation and the AIP process. In other words, I can hit the ground running.

As an author of multiple AIPs, I can empathize with AIP proposers, the voters and the community at large. I’m in constant contact with the community through calls, dms, ApeComms Spaces, etc and generally have my finger on the pulse of the DAO. That said, I’d be happy to make room for the better candidates - as long as we elect the right folks in the right roles.

Keep in mind, I’m the SINGLE ISSUE CANDIDATE that wishes to reduce confusion and bring clarity to the Special Council role, not expand the position with unwarranted powers and overblown expectations.

I’m sure we’ll have plenty of great candidates, you know where I stand. Peace. SSP


Happy to answer any questions here.

Will update this post as feedback on the idea received.

SSP :call_me_hand:t4:

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Your dedication to the DAO does not go unnoticed, and this type of campaign again once shows that you always have the best interest of the ecosystem in mind. We are completely aligned, and ultimately achieving this will enable the broad diversity of experience on the Board.


I’ve had a great time working with SSP since September of last year as fellow members of ApeComms (AIP-348). SSP brings meticulous attention to detail, consistent community support, and a grounding voice of reason to ApeCoin DAO, a voice that is heard & appreciated by all.

Thankful to have had the chance to work with you SSP- and thank you for opening up the conversation about the scope of Special Council’s responsibilities!! Can’t wait to dive in :saluting_face:

-Halina.eth :blue_heart:



Don’t vote for me, vote for the idea !!

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Appreciate the kind words and back at ya – always listening, providing input, keeping it together!

Good luck with the campaigning and thrilled to get your thoughts and feedback on the SINGLE ISSUE.


SSP :call_me_hand:t4:

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Can I get an AMEN! Glad to see your perspective on SC and feel you pretty much nailed it with your nomination. As a long time and extremely active member of the DAO, we would be well served to see you in the role. While I’m not making any official endorsements of candidates, I love to see you throwing your hat back in the ring. Good luck, sir. :saluting_face:


Thank you my good Sir!

Sail on - SSP :call_me_hand:t4:

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SSP running for SC. Things just got interesting. Didn’t see this coming, but now that it’s hear it makes complete sense. Regardless of the outcome, your contributions across the DAO are appreciated! Good luck!


Haha – I appreciate the keen observations.

As you say, regardless of the outcome, reducing the confusion and bringing clarity to the Special Council’s roles and responsibilities and restoring the expectations that they are The Board, not the Executive Leadership Team is my only message.

Would love any and all support and opportunities to amplify this information.

Cheers – SSP :call_me_hand:t4:

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I believe that SSP’s description is incredibly clear about his future career plans and ideas for the position. Please also note his contributions to the DAO and assistance to the community during this process. This is something not to be overlooked. I look forward to building together


Hi @ssp1111, I am asking all candidates the following same questions:

If elected, what is the one item you feel passionate about and would like to see accomplished during your tenure within the DAO?

What is an area of expertise that you will be bringing to the table?

Are there any factors in your life that may limit your time and ability to serve? (Running a business, extensive traveling, secret agent for the SEC, etc…)

What is your least favorite thing right now with our DAO in its current state?

Currently, many of the proposals are determined by large wallets, there are many grumblings about it though I stand neutral on this; if possible, would you change this? and if so, how and why?

Will you be an active participant in the DAO even if unelected?

Thank you and best of luck,


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That’s what I like to hear, more power to ya.

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Hey Fox. Thanks for the enquiry.

As I wrote in my nomination statement and have also repeated on many Spaces to date, I am running as a SINGLE ISSUE Candidate, which turns out to be the answer to your question #1:

Remove the confusion and misplaced expectations around the roles and responsibilities of the Special Council by reverting them back as a BOARD as originally intended by Yuga Labs.

FOUNDING DOCS: THE BOARD provides “stewardship and oversight of the APE Foundation” - the non-profit entity in the Cayman Islands – NOT as some sort of visionary Executive Leadership Team of the DAO, leading us to the Promised Land.

My SINGLE ISSUE of reverting the SC to that of a BOARD, means that the role of a BOARD Member can be filled by anyone with a professional background and an understanding of how the DAO is structured and the roles of the major players - the Foundation, the administrators, the service providers, the working groups, the community, the processes, etc.

That said, I bring serious ApeCoin DAO credentials, understanding and involvement. 525+ days of active participation in the DAO, authoring/co-authoring/contributing to countless AIPs, OG member of ApeComms co-hosting Spaces Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays for over a year and more.

I also sit on the Advisory Boards of a couple of large Community Foundations and Non-Profits in the real world.

I volunteer for ApeComms, Mocaverse and other DAOs and sit on the Advisory Boards of a couple of large Community Foundations and Non-Profits in the real world. Things could get busy, but it’d be on me to manage my time well.

The sense that we’re veering off the path from decentralization and ceding power and undue influence to a select few.

My main goal is and always has been to empower the community to bring forth ideas, discuss, debate and try to find consensus. While voting is a major topic of debate in every DAO in the world, I am hopeful that our community at least experiments with alternative forms of voting and I will do my best to facilitate and learn from those discussions myself.

525 days and counting. Still here.


I’d appreciate you sharing the SINGLE ISSUE that I’m running on with everyone in your network. Sure, there are several big challenges that we as a DAO need to tackle in 2024, and in my view clarifying SC’s roles and responsibilities will help reduce some confusion and open up lanes for teams, authors, ideas to flourish that currently, we’re expecting the SC to do.

SSP :call_me_hand:t4:


You’re coming from a very unique and interesting perspective that I havent thought of. Appreciate your insight and your time SSP. Best of luck to you ser

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I’ve gotten to know SSP through his work in the DAO over more than a year. He is one of the most consistent contributors to ApeCoin - and his voice and experience have helped and supported us throughout the DAO. I admire - and you see this in his commitment to being a single issue candidates - that when SSP cares about something (like our DAO), he does whatever is needed to provide support.


Thanks FS.

I’ll take “unique and interesting perspective” as a compliment :rofl:, no doubt.

I also think it’s an important detail of the DAO structure that many in the community do not know about, are not paying attention to and could be a critical weakness in the years to come.

Sure, we trust our 5 Special Council members now, and sure, let’s keep increasing their roles and responsibilities and influence - but the very existence for large delegations/wallets to swing a vote and install a candidate of their choosing should put us on high alert. And while we’ll have conversations about the voting process in due course, in the meantime we ought to be limiting the powers of the Special Council by reverting them back to being a BOARD.

And with this BOARD in place, we can finally get around to the matter of Conflicts of Interest - topic for another day.

Education is my scope - your spreading the good word is my hope. :laughing:

Peace – SSP :call_me_hand:t4:

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Thanks for the kind words Daniel.

SINGLE ISSUE is the way :rofl:.

Would love to know if you truly support this idea, sorta support it or not really. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but as a builder in the DAO your input would be great.

Peace - SSP :call_me_hand:t4:

Impressed by your experience and knowledge! Good luck!

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