Personal Information
Discourse ID: @TheFatherOfAllStorms
Nomination Statement
Concise statement on why you are running for the Governance WG Steward
I want to keep helping on a official capacity for the DAO, I was WG0 unplayed Stuart , constant participant & helping. Now let me help you more in person, more reachable & present, focused & precise.
Details on your motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO Governance WG Steward
I can not even express how much this DAO means to me.
Not just how i got here by chance but who i met & connected with and how this is and will affect many of us. I was to keep it operationally professional orderly and IRL inviting, transparency is a must and things on time done as needed.
2 years ago I was hit by a car and still on physical recovery, which i took as opportunity to dive even deeper into WEB3, wrote a first WEB3 book with apes, helps some develop stories for the future projects, became a part of some white papers , speaker at conferences, tester for WEB3 games, part of multiple full IP rights NFT communities besides just being DEFI & stock person (including one of those OG apes AMS/GME that DRS… on which BAYC was bases to OMENAJE in part as founders mentioned at their interview), Became an ape, miss the yatch… , get into Apecoin DAO from day zero practically and was amazed by all people coming here and brainstorming together, became WG0 non payed steward, start spreading my experience at IRLs & conferences. And I cant stop continue helping.
So its a good time for me to finally make it official & apply.
Thank you all so much for considering me & being you, bringing innovation , light & build opportunities here & just helping others. Now you tell me what else you need from me and I will look into it how its can be done.
Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin community
Communication, technology, WEB3 development, DEFI, Conferences, Part of White papers for platform and DAO, conferences tech set ups and support , banking & credit experiences, Music & Sport industry, working with many teams & companies, startups builds, 5 years at apple, non profit experience , Studies international relationships, several languages spoken, hyphanate in WEB3 not only in WEB2, OG OG
Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation, and/or ideas for DAO improvement
Part of many DAOs (some has voting systems) and some white papers, pre council assemblies and building DAOs, WG0 here (OG non payed steward), DEFI platforms, researcher & tester for DEFI platforms & WEb3 Apps/games/builds, Hackatons participant, speaker at Conferences
Concluding Statement
Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Metaverse WG Steward
Im precise in what must to be done digitally & in timely manner. I follow all the important developments and structural changes. I know how important it is to make sure about compliance with the DAO rules, keep transparency & understandable language notifications.
I like to help people and that is what i did my entire life, specially structuring the flow of presented opportunities & needed steps for those to be successful for them.
Plus I several speak languages and not only international ones but also WEB3 & tech.