[DRAFT] APE Foundation - Cartan Group Transition Plan for January 1, 2023

Cartan Group proposing AIP-183 (expanding scope at >2x the cost) only a few weeks prior to their contract expiration, with no other alternative, is truly unfortunate. Community discussion in discourse was open to a 3-month extension at the current rate with a reduced scope, but Cartan indicated this is not their preference.

We respect Cartan’s business decision. Given the present circumstance, it is now up to the ApeCoin DAO community to provide a reasonable pathway forward.

Cartan subsequently recommended (Twitter space December 16th) that the ApeCoin DAO community connect directly with Special Council regarding transition matters. Therefore, this draft Transition Plan is an ApeCoin DAO community-led framework to address our needs due to Cartan’s departure for January 1, 2023. It will serve as a basis for our initial discussion with Special Council (to be determined if it will need to become a formal AIP).

This document is open for anyone to make comments. Please do so and we will incorporate your feedback; comments will remain open if unresolved prior to the Special Council call.

There is indication that a phone call may occur on Sunday. We will keep the ApeCoin community apprised of all developments in this matter.

Shoutout to DAO members who quickly gathered today to provide feedback and developed this initial draft:
[Hit the tag limit of the post]


Shout out to you for getting this done in such an organized fashion, and so quickly.

I’m totally open to our new SC members being Puff Daddys as long as they get the IMPORTANT work done like @BoredApeG is doing right now.

Good riddance, Raoul Pal yeah I said it


Since Cartan, Brandon, has made it clear during the live space meeting in Twitter, they are is going to pull the plug if ApeCoin DAO won’t meet their demanded increase.

ApeCoin DAO can expect the next several months be a bit bumpy rides, we will get past these crisis, and ApeCoin DAO will be stronger!

Please add me to the list as one of volunteers working members. Happy to contribute and join the DAO working groups.



I rather have multiple offers for the DAO before singing with anybody, still it feels they didn’t want to give us time to consider their renewal while they know we are going to be busy with staking.

That being said we need to request guide line that anyone gets hired can work with, it’s simple process of archive.

I think the best solution is to rewrite the AIP with 60 days agreement so even the new council can understand better what they can do.

Also we must avoid ending contracts and agreements in the future in alignment with our voting for new councils.


We probably not gonna vote yes on this one, I think having new AIP that state 60 - 90 days agreement is better, what everyone thinks?


I would suggest we create a legal, nonprofit, registered DAO entity in the USA to serve the ApeCoin DAO just like Cartan. We can call it Ape DAO Global Service, as a DAO service provider!

It just happened that I helped my company accomplish that in Texas, and I can certainly share that expertise with ApeCoin DAO.

P.S. Parent company is registered in Cayman Islands as well, because we are in the crypto industry. :slight_smile:


Honestly, I have no idea how this will go, but at least we’ll be able to come to a resolution sooner than later.

1.3M votes in Favor for AIP-183 came in over the past few hours [seemingly out of the blue]. We might see forced intervention and they push AIP-183 through, which I think in principle would terrible for optics.

General comments:

Requesting an extension at the current rate with reduced scope is reasonable > being forced to accept an AIP that is currently being voted down heavily. Otherwise, what’s the point of the DAO voting if at the end of the day we didn’t actually have a choice in the matter?

Again, we did not create this problem. We were not in control of the timing when a service provider (Cartan) to the DAO submitted their AIP. Given the time constraints, the community still provided reasonable comments and they were ignored. No reasonable observer can read that AIP-183 thread and think the community did not try to reason with them. Special Council could have also mitigated this risk sooner as well. It is what it is. Out of sheer principle, how can we just accept the terms as-is? If anything, they should be at least coming back with a better offer than take it as it is.

Otherwise, the DAO is moving on because it was forced to. The community can’t be made to feel bad about this situation (which is seemingly the tone being taken). Not the community’s fault whatsoever.


It’s a good thing to anticipate and ensure that the start of the year takes place in good conditions.

A chance can be here to “understand all the cogs”, “to start again on a clear and limpid basis”… and above all to ensure that this type of mishap does not happen again in the organization of the DAO.


Thanks for putting this together @BoredApeG. It’s a very comprehensive list.

And also great to see all the people who have raised their hands to help out. I’ve seen the mention of creating a working group for these items. Would it make sense to create multiple, smaller ones to accomplish specific tasks from the list?

For instance, one for treasury-related things, one for legal-related things, one for proposal process related things, etc.? I worry if we try to tackle everything as one big group we are going to be slow to accomplish things. Smaller groups that are still intertwined and working towards a common goal will allow us to be more nimble.


I’m a little concerned just because of the speed of this.

I think we need maybe a parallel run period for the hand over to be flawless and without issue.

When a new system is implemented and the legacy one is removed there is normally always a parallel run period before going live. When planned anyway. Maybe a 3 month extension whilst implementing this plan (which looks a real solid start btw) would ensure all roles are filled and known fully, etc etc, reducing the possible neglect or knowing of very important ‘system quirks’ etc

Anyway, glad it is happening, agree it should, just wonder re the speed.


Creating 4-5 executive working groups will be very effective way to manage the transition.

My question, who take the leadership role to create these working groups? Wait for the elected SC team? I am guessing…


We wanted a 3-month extension but it was denied. So this is a hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst situation. At least with this the powers that be know the community is ready - the ball is in their court for the next step.


I agree with these points, and do you see any link between each team/group at all or would the SC be the bridge or really no bridge, controls, oversight or maybe these are set out for each?


Excited and ngl a bit apprehensiveness to see where this all goes. TY for info.


That’s a great question. I would think the Special Council would help act as a bridge, but with elections currently going on it makes it even more complicated unfortunately.

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I love the idea of the 30 day pause, so should give time, and really think something great can be built. TY


This is actually one thing I don’t like. I’m going to make a comment on the document.

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If there is a way around it then perfect, but just as a ‘breathing space’ to get setup without pressure of all responsibilities at once so no mistakes are made seemed a reasonable request, but not against any solution ofc.

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Hey @BoredApeG,

I think we still need to give the DAO time to speak/vote before accepting the current count as final.

There is still the possibility that the AIP passes as is.

It’s smart to come together to work on contingency plans should it fail and even smarter to get something started on the inevitable plans for transition.

Just a quick reminder. Cheers


Thanks for moving on this everyone. What a wild situation. I haven’t been able to make the last several Twitter Spaces to discuss things with everyone, but I’m here to lend my hand where it can be of use as we move forward.