Side Event at Apefest specific for ApeCoin Holders

Concept is straight foward. To have a side event the week of Apefest in October. It would be good to highlight successful AIPs and overall brand awareness amongst those attending and those locally as Lisbon is a thriving web3 location.

Date - Either before during or just after 18-20 October 2024.

I am thinking:

What kind of event?
How to determine who can attend?
What size of the event?
What content to include?

Please comment below to contribute your thoughts.


A meetup for the DAO would be effective for networking, collaboration, and brainstorming.


Initial thoughts:

Kind of Event: Not just another party. Would love to see this truly be a multi-functional event (if that’s a thing) but where businesses funded by the DAO can provide demos/pop up stores, members of the DAO can meaningfully connect and we can still relax and have fun in the process. Yuga will make sure we get big events and concerts. Side events can be for more meaningful connection.

How to Determine who can attend: I think it may be as simple as once we know the capacity of the venue, throw a token-gated ticket up on Tokenproof, announce a time when tickets go live and make it FCFS. Could even add a refundable deposit mechanism like Yuga does so people don’t just sign up to sign up.

Size of Event: Big enough to get a good enough crowd and let builders display their works. Small enough so we aren’t breaking budgets here. I’d figure out the total that is coming to ApeFest and maybe aim for 10-25% of that tops.

Content: Showcase AIP builders. Maybe some early demos of dApps on ApeChain if we have any ready to reveal. Maybe even an update from the DAO or Horizen on ApeChain itself.


super excited to finally meet up in Lisbon for ApeFest this year. I’ve been looking forward to hanging out with everyone, and I know a lot of you feel the same :apecoin:

It would be awesome if we had an easy way to find all the side events happening before and after ApeFest. Does anyone know if there’s an app or a schedule for these events? It’d be great if we could all add and list our own events in one place


I think initially need to decide if it’s an educational endeavour (for people who are not particularly active DAO members) or a celebration/reward style event (for active/inactive DAO members) or both.

I think both have equal merit. Guess would depend on time you have available to setup&organise both, oversee them, and also budget.

Think it should be done - we might be separated from Yuga, but we need to always acknowledge our roots and be present at these events. :muscle::handshake:


This will be only 3 days.
Less apes not even apecoing holders got tickets, because it is one request for all 3 days instead 1 day and waitlist for the rest. Also there is no any major event those days nearby or blockchain more DEFI conference. Would be great to have the event during some of those where more developers are and invite builders ,even those who don’t have apecoin yet

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An ApeCoin side event is a must at ApeFest. I do like the idea of less party and more getting to know each other/meet up type. Could also possibly work with ThankApe on this.


Ususally there are Ape events not Apecoin events at Apefest days and Apecoin events are done if any DEFI or purely blockchain conference is in the same time. So connecting with Apes is not the same that conecting with Apecoiners. because right now Apecoiners are not eligible for apefest tickets.
Personally trying to organise the fest for everyone)

There is cross over of Ape club and apecoin holders as was evidenced last year. I’m sure it won’t be too difficult to organize an ApeCoin focused gathering.


Hi @bigbull ,

The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in less than 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.

  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.

  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.


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Great idea bigbull. I would personally start a conversation with Yuga team members and ask for a spot at “Convento do Beato” which will be the Apefest HQ (so no crazy parties there). All who attend Apefest can attend the event. I would display AIP’s authors products/services + ApeChain related content with the goal to start conversations and brainstorm with Apes or +1 to build leveraging the DAO/ApeChain.

We could also have a separate venue specific for ApeCoin holders but how do we attract builders/developers? Apefest will be full of people with plenty of networks, I believe it will be much better to leverage that if any.

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Please extend for another 7 days.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@bigbull has requested to extend the community discussion period for this AIP idea. This topic will automatically close a further 7 days from now. We encourage the community to continue to engage in thoughtful discussions through constructive criticism, honest feedback, and helpful suggestions.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.


Agree this is a key area. The current event in Lisbon shows there is an appetite for people to know more about ApeCoin.

We need to coordinate with BAYC Council to see if we can get an allocation for ApeCoin at a social event or like how Sandbox took out the SoHo house in Hong Kong we get to take an area with partner organizations.


As an example, while at Hong Kong there were events not for BAYC/MAYC Holders such as a DOT (polkadot) event. BAYC/MAYC could register but I would say most attendees didn’t have the NFT.

The important question is what other events are going to be planned around that time.


Hi @bigbull ,

The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in roughly 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.
  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.
  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@bigbull has requested to extend the community discussion period for this AIP idea. This topic will automatically close a further 7 days from the original closing date. We encourage the community to continue to engage in thoughtful discussions through constructive criticism, honest feedback, and helpful suggestions.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.


I know it is election season, but great to get more feedback from the community. This is likely to keep extending also in line with more information being available about Apefest.

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I would support this, I agree it doesn’t need to be a drinking session but a way to engage with the community and help them understand about the DAO and more importantly, the holding of an ape jpeg is not necessary to participate within the ecosystem. I feel this is the key area of education needed for the growth of APE.


To pull this thread, what OTHER ApeFest like events should we have side events at?

Would love to see this same effort at VeeCon, Art Basel, Moca-based events, etc.

ApeCoin should be EVERYWHERE.

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