Web3 Accredidation

Develop a form of Accreditation to provide to Web3 builders / founders / service providers.

Something like the State Bar Association for Lawyers, but for the Web3 Industry.

Literally applying very similar requirements / systems as the state bar association. We would have a code of conduct, ability to file complaints; members apply and are vetted out, pay an annual fee and are provided with resources to help with their line of work and required education / training hours to maintain their Web3 awareness.

This would provide a layer of trust in working with a new Web3 Professional / Vendor and ensure consistent education of the members.


Developer DAO (https://www.developerdao.com/) might be a good partner for this, their Academy has a course syllabus defined.


Thank you so much! I’ll check them out.

Hi @Ms_NFTy, seems like this has a lot of overlap with what we are using with ThankApe (tracking granular activities on ApeCoin DAO forum, Discord, Twitter) and Catapult (onboarding and being the “ApeCoin” Talent pool). Have you checked these out?:slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing this resource, I was not aware of DeveloperDAO, going to check them out now!


Thank you for your response.

I don’t see the overlap at all. This is pertaining to projects and vendors in Web3, not just APEcoin.

This creates and establishes a code of conduct along with various Moral and Ethical business practices, that if met will grant the vendor accreditation.

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Hi Ms_NFTy,

See exactly where you are going with this - makes sense, many possibilities, good fit, simply works.

Again ‘a public (common) good’ I see it as, GL, we need more people like you, simple.


Aww that means a lot. I feel that creating a safer space to build and grow together will indirectly provide stronger bonds, faster, between people within the industry and communities as a whole.


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