@0xSword - Governance Steward Nomination 7/2023

Thank you. I have been running a newsletter and have several email lists for a long time here. Most of my posts have been put up as necessity for the last year. Participating in the ape assembly is something I think I’ll be great at. I just want to have fun here and i’m a gov geek.

Ape Assembly can be done right at no risk to the brand with wide community support.

The above community call also checks off quite a few boxes for the Bored Club Association’s roadmap. I’ve always been proud to have been welcomed by FUDmaster and still maintain a feed for community vote alerts thats been utilized by some leading delegations.

There are cool conversations and experiments ongoing. Look how impactful they are. There are a few things that concern me and its typically around voting rights, or whale shaming. I think that our voting is down because of some vote shaming and underlying tensions.

I believe the BCA is positioned to be important because they are champions! And I’d like to have the Ape Assembly also setup a delegation system and learn how to vote as a community. To me the Ape Assembly could be a fun place to explore voting mechanisms and things.

I have a concern about the Ape Assembly being positioned early to adjust the token holder’s rights and core processes. Instead I’d like to work with a legal committee to better understand the separation between Apecoin as a token and brand & Ape Assembly. Brand risk to $APE is real!

My wishes as the runner-up steward in January weas to have the apecomms account put into a focus group and marketing and communications could take over, even rebrand, immediately in Q1 & Q2. I am confident that Ape Assembly can be setup at no risk and recieve august budget approval.

I can still be successful as a participant without the steward title, but t’d surely benefit from the opportunity and funding that comes with this position, and itll be used to network and power me doing Ape Assembly things. I’m no spaces host, but I have value here too. Many do.

As far as hijacking risks, itll be important to see turnout for first Ape Assembly meeting. How many vote and participate in the building of the working group is a critical factor. A charter has been produced for all these WG, but mostly conceptual with no participants mostly architects.

There are more of these WGs awaiting vote. I’d like to start with setting up one of them. Theres a meeting on June 15th to decide an agenda. If we put out the word and get participants, this could be a good thing. That’s how I’m approaching this process, because it should be fun!