@0xSword - Governance Steward Nomination 7/2023

Personal Information

Discourse ID: @0xSword

Twitter: x.com

Nomination Statement

Concise statement on why you are running for Steward of the Governance Working Group

I am running for Steward of the Governance Working Group to further my involvement in the ecosystem. This role will assist with operational support for the Foundation, create and maintain documents and policies related to governance, and have responsibility for shaping initiatives like the Ape Assembly.

Schedule a call here:


Details on your motivation for becoming a Governance Working Group Steward

My motivation for becoming a governance steward is to further the ape ecosystem by creating documentation, building relations with token holders, and bridging gaps in communication. My experience with the governance process is extensive, and my forum stats are generally #1.

By making myself available to to new and existing governance participants, they can quickly get an understanding of the ecosystem, and learn how they can best contribute. As a steward, I can do more!


Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin DAO

I have built several website MVPs for onboarding and information about ApeCoin and Otherside. I also formed & requested funding for an onboarding team through the Apecomms initiative. I’ve been involved full-time in the ecosystem for one year.

I am US based and have traveled 3 different times to meet key players, such as the Thank Ape team, as well as bought an MAYC to get access to IRL events. I have networked with variety of people about Apecoin. Many in the ecosystem have been onboarded directly by me or through Apecomms.


Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation

My experience in crypto and the ape ecosystem is vast. For the last year, most of my time has been spent doing Apecoin things. I have great forum stats, have read all the AIPs, communicated with many regarding how they approach the process, and am generally considered a good actor in the ecosystem. I love and embrace NFT culture, and have been immersed for over a year now.

Concluding Statement

Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Governance Working Group Steward

I would like to be a Governance Steward to continue my work across the ecosystem. Ape Assembly and new initiatives give me the ability to create committees with small budgets, meaning I can amplify contributors who have ideas as it pertains to governance.

I am generally conservative, and willing to push back on ideas that may be radical or over-reaching. I believe Governance should be small and non-invasive. I will encourage use of the AIP system, and scrutinize changes that may have unforeseen consequence.

Governance is almost never implemented well. I will ensure that the culture is represented.


Sword FTW Lets FG !!


love your sharing on twitter space. good luck

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First guy to publicly share a calendly! Previous board experience, life long gamer, all the luck with the race! Will always be glad to have you in the spaces. Buuvei


You experience matching perfectly and your participation too. I think your compliance towards the proper execution is crucial contribution here.
You will be perfect.


@0xSword please expand more on your gaming and other experiences. Maybe some video link or recording. Thank you.

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Alright, its time to go through two rounds of elections. I’ve been a pirmary onboarder at apecoin DAO, even going to meet people IRL, speaking on a DAO Denver stage w/ Thank Ape, and way more. I have have been a leading pioneer for encouraging proposals & new entrants.

In this introductory video, I’d like to say hello! I have no audio techs but this is fun!

It’s important we ensure setup of the Assembly is driven with a sober vision and proper guidance to understand the difference between Assembly, DAO, Foundation, and other entities.

Here’s the way i will be approaching assembly:

I’m the right person for Gov Steward. Grumpy too probably. Thank you.


0x, you don’t need techs to sound & look great in these vids. Kudos!

We’ve had some good productive Lounge voice and Forum text discussions, butted heads once or twice, and I’ve come away with respect & gratitude for you (and @ssp1111 since you named him, and many others offering to be on SC or a Steward, or not, so not looking to play faves but rather stay on topic).

Was just listening to SSP’s Spaces segment and took a break to hear this vid and will listen to your ApeComms appearance tonight.

What I’m unclear about: do you have an “official” role in Ape Assembly, or “just” stepping up? All good either way from my perspective and pls take it as a compliment.

Is Ape Assembly, well intentioned though it seems, a de facto or potential hijack (“attack vector”?) as some feel Working Groups may be? Also a totally neutral question.



Thank you. I have been running a newsletter and have several email lists for a long time here. Most of my posts have been put up as necessity for the last year. Participating in the ape assembly is something I think I’ll be great at. I just want to have fun here and i’m a gov geek.

Ape Assembly can be done right at no risk to the brand with wide community support.

The above community call also checks off quite a few boxes for the Bored Club Association’s roadmap. I’ve always been proud to have been welcomed by FUDmaster and still maintain a feed for community vote alerts thats been utilized by some leading delegations.

There are cool conversations and experiments ongoing. Look how impactful they are. There are a few things that concern me and its typically around voting rights, or whale shaming. I think that our voting is down because of some vote shaming and underlying tensions.

I believe the BCA is positioned to be important because they are champions! And I’d like to have the Ape Assembly also setup a delegation system and learn how to vote as a community. To me the Ape Assembly could be a fun place to explore voting mechanisms and things.

I have a concern about the Ape Assembly being positioned early to adjust the token holder’s rights and core processes. Instead I’d like to work with a legal committee to better understand the separation between Apecoin as a token and brand & Ape Assembly. Brand risk to $APE is real!

My wishes as the runner-up steward in January weas to have the apecomms account put into a focus group and marketing and communications could take over, even rebrand, immediately in Q1 & Q2. I am confident that Ape Assembly can be setup at no risk and recieve august budget approval.

I can still be successful as a participant without the steward title, but t’d surely benefit from the opportunity and funding that comes with this position, and itll be used to network and power me doing Ape Assembly things. I’m no spaces host, but I have value here too. Many do.

As far as hijacking risks, itll be important to see turnout for first Ape Assembly meeting. How many vote and participate in the building of the working group is a critical factor. A charter has been produced for all these WG, but mostly conceptual with no participants mostly architects.

There are more of these WGs awaiting vote. I’d like to start with setting up one of them. Theres a meeting on June 15th to decide an agenda. If we put out the word and get participants, this could be a good thing. That’s how I’m approaching this process, because it should be fun!


Amazing, this is good. You’re building something amazing. :clap:

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Im loving it! Keep pushing!

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Don’t Forget to Respond for every single person who wrote to you here!

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Thank you. Yes ma’am. I have considered how best to build this thread for voters to evaluate. I am thankful to everyone who has shown support or interest in what I’m doing and have done at the DAO. I’ll keep putting out content and responding best I can. Thank you again.

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Your concise statement clearly outlines your reasons for running for this position. It is evident that you have a genuine passion for the ape ecosystem and a strong desire to contribute further. Your experience in crypto and the ape ecosystem, along with your understanding of the role’s responsibilities, demonstrates your commitment to the DAO’s success. I believe you are a strong candidate for the Governance Working Group Steward position. You are one of the candidates that I’m rooting for. Best of luck


Elections start shortly. As one of the main contact points and a writer here at Apecoin, my impact on this ecosystem isnt easily measured by twitter likes, follows, or social metrics. My newsletter is automatically verified each month, and I’ve networked widely across the ecosystem from the start.

It’ll be interesting to see how vote results turn out, because I’m responsible for onboarding many people into the ecosystem over the last year. I also have incredible stats and competency regarding AIP proposals and how to approach the process. I’m proud of what I’ve done on limited resources.

This has always been a life changing opportunity for me. I’ve flown across the US to meet key players and even tested reddit and more ideas to attract new voters. “Always be onboarding” is a motto. Many have been welcomed by me and the community we’ve grown throughout the last year. Thank you all!

Please power me to do what I love. I will assist Jonah and new entrants into the ecosystem just like I did last year. I will present a great budget proposal for Ape Assembly in August that the DAO will approve.


Make sure your current nomination link is working.
Mine stoped and now has new web address apparently, not sure if it’s because some dropped out or why.
I’m ruling for you! Good luck!


@0xSword will be a great addition. The reality the years a I been here Sword has beyond helpful on the entire process of not only my proposals but everyone else way before there was even paid positions in place. his on going passion for the ApeCoin DAO has really become a welcoming pillar to the community and def think he would be great in any position here since he has been doing the work even before obtaining the paid position. Mad respect and props to him.


Not the “Curtis to the Moon” easter egg in the background :joy:


Round 1 of voting will be closing soon, and I’m so happy to see vote results coming in for me! This process is not easy, nor is it always fun, but I’ve approached it all in good spirits, and love what I do.

During this first round of voting, I’ve received a lot of feedback, especially on how I can do better. There are several who have shared ideas, or even harsh critique, and I take that seriously as I look to become to become a governance steward. I’m listening and learning from each person I meet.

I thrive in environments where people can speak openly, and you’ll find little-to-no examples of me being two-faced. I have the same conversations with each person that I meet. People who share this trait enjoy and appreciate having me around. I like open conversations and discourage sneakiness.

Instead of shilling myself, I ask questions like “what could you do if powered by APE?” And my focus has never been on myself. Having said that, for this next I’m going to need to earn more votes from people who maybe don’t know me very well. I’m thankful for the opportunity. Let’s f*cking go!


I’ve had a great deal of time to collect feedback and talk with others about the Ape Assembly sub-dao. If setup properly, I believe we can get our budget approved in August. Here are my proposed plans for what comes next. This will be successful and it will work. I’m well-prepared for this.

AAssembly Quick Plan Outline.pdf (49.1 KB)
Letter to token holders.pdf (48.8 KB)

We have strayed from our direction and the Ape Assembly is currently representing itself as Apecoin. This is a result of the same team being responsible for setup with no new voices able to join the table. It’s become a bee-hive and participation is low. Vote shaming is common now too.

I humbly request to be put in as a representative to ensure the setup of this sub-dao doesn’t become a brand risk or hijacking risk. There are serious considerations that should be assessed. Many of the candidates are emotionally-driven and I have witnessed “mean girl” behavior. No more!

The above documents are quick outlines of actions that will be taken. Thank you.