Personal Information
Discourse ID: @0xSword
Nomination Statement
Concise statement on why you are running for Steward of the Governance Working Group
I am running for Steward of the Governance Working Group to further my involvement in the ecosystem. This role will assist with operational support for the Foundation, create and maintain documents and policies related to governance, and have responsibility for shaping initiatives like the Ape Assembly.
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Details on your motivation for becoming a Governance Working Group Steward
My motivation for becoming a governance steward is to further the ape ecosystem by creating documentation, building relations with token holders, and bridging gaps in communication. My experience with the governance process is extensive, and my forum stats are generally #1.
By making myself available to to new and existing governance participants, they can quickly get an understanding of the ecosystem, and learn how they can best contribute. As a steward, I can do more!
Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin DAO
I have built several website MVPs for onboarding and information about ApeCoin and Otherside. I also formed & requested funding for an onboarding team through the Apecomms initiative. I’ve been involved full-time in the ecosystem for one year.
I am US based and have traveled 3 different times to meet key players, such as the Thank Ape team, as well as bought an MAYC to get access to IRL events. I have networked with variety of people about Apecoin. Many in the ecosystem have been onboarded directly by me or through Apecomms.
Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation
My experience in crypto and the ape ecosystem is vast. For the last year, most of my time has been spent doing Apecoin things. I have great forum stats, have read all the AIPs, communicated with many regarding how they approach the process, and am generally considered a good actor in the ecosystem. I love and embrace NFT culture, and have been immersed for over a year now.
Concluding Statement
Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Governance Working Group Steward
I would like to be a Governance Steward to continue my work across the ecosystem. Ape Assembly and new initiatives give me the ability to create committees with small budgets, meaning I can amplify contributors who have ideas as it pertains to governance.
I am generally conservative, and willing to push back on ideas that may be radical or over-reaching. I believe Governance should be small and non-invasive. I will encourage use of the AIP system, and scrutinize changes that may have unforeseen consequence.
Governance is almost never implemented well. I will ensure that the culture is represented.