AIP-376: Working Group Charter - Web3 Development

Working Group Charter - Web3 Development

Proposal Category: Process Proposal
Author: @webmoss

Craig Moss
Project Manager / Frontend Developer / EthGlobal Web3 Hacker

I am a Software Engineer who is passionate about Web3 and thrives on creating pixel-perfect software applications. I have a keen eye for detail and enjoy working in a Senior Front-end role, building and refining user interfaces and solving UI & UX problems.

My professional experience extends to full-stack development where I have worked on a fair share of web applications. I have experience in Project management, Testing and Devops and have worked in the IT sector since 2010.

I’m an active member of the ApeCoin DAO and community.

Twitter: @WebMoss
LinkedIn: Craig Moss


The goal of this proposal is to establish the ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group.

The ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group’s mandate is to:
“Build income generating projects for the ApeCoin DAO, ApeCoin Initiatives like ThankApe, Boring Security DAO, MBA licensed projects and the ApeCoin community. ApeChain will be a strong focus point once we reach that point.”

Working Groups enable a sustainable community-led infrastructure that further decentralizes the DAO, creates operational efficiency, and is flexible enough to adapt to any opportunities that may arise.

Benefit to the ApeCoin Ecosystem

It was recently announced that the ApeCoin DAO can receive revenue from AIPs and projects within the Ape and ApeCoin communities. There has been much talk around bringing much needed value back to the DAO and believe there needs to be a more structured focus on doing this. The ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group will focus solely on this and aims to create various projects and initiatives that will serve this exact purpose.

Working together as a community I feel we can implement various simple solutions that will drive value and needed resources back into the DAO and other initiatives alleviating the sell pressure on our much loved $APE token. In addition we expect to see the ApeChain come to life sooner, rather than later and there needs to be a strong focus on building on this to ensure it’s long term success.

If you build it, they will come…


With the advent of ApeCoin DAO’s new Working Group structure we have a home for creators, builders, and other community members to gather to support the vision of the DAO and champion, “Community-developed initiatives and projects that drive revenue back to the ApeCoin DAO”


We need a hub for anyone with interest or domain expertise to gather, share knowledge and ideas, collaborate on AIPs, and explore the incredible possibilities of web3 development, hackathon events and Y-combinators. The Development Working Group will be the DAO’s hub to gather creators, builders, and developers on a regular basis and support community-led initiatives that help fulfill our charter.


Mandate & Scope

This group is made up of web3 developers from within the ApeCoin ecosystem. This is where we brainstorm to advance the vision of the ApeCoin DAO. It serves as both a landing pad for new developers and a launch pad for new Initiatives.

The Development Working Group would be responsible for the following:

  • Supporting builders in the ApeCoin DAO.
  • Build projects that add value to the ApeCoin DAO and communities with vested interest in ApeCoin.
  • Providing regular updates to the DAO community on the group’s operations and its outcomes.

The three elected Stewards would be responsible for overseeing the Development Working Group’s operations, including:

  • Ensuring that the group is acting in the best interest of the community.
  • Supporting community Initiatives which are within the scope of the Groups mandate.
  • Overseeing the group’s budget and expenses.
  • Providing regular updates to the DAO community on the group’s operations and decisions.


OKRs to complete before Funding Window:

  • Develop a strategy for the development of projects that generate income for the ApeCoin DAO.
  • Lay the groundwork to build ApeCoin focused projects for the web3 ecosystem.
  • Lay the groundwork for various web3 projects and ideas we can invest in.


Initiatives can come from every corner of Web3. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Outreach to projects and other web3 communities.
  • ApeCoin Payment Gateway
  • ApeCoin Powered Swop
  • ApeCoin powered NFT Bridge and ERC-20 Token bridges.
  • ApeCoin NFT mints.
  • ApeCoin SocialFi apps.
  • Creating spaces for builders and the community to come together.
  • Utilising cutting edge Web3 development technologies.
  • Championing new web3 technologies like account abstraction that can be utilised to expand our footprint.
  • Championing Web3 security.
  • Other - we can explore any new opportunities as they arise

Reporting Requirements

  • Monthly progress updates on Initiatives.
  • Quarterly reports on ApeCoin DAO efforts and the greater web3 development landscape.

Development Group Stewards

All three Stewards of the Development Working Group will be elected by the AIP Process.

Development Working Group Budget until December 2024 Funding Window. 12 Months has been selected as not to interrupt development initiatives in progress and requires a longer timeframe.

This AIP serves as an initial framework to establish this Working Group. The first two elected Stewards would propose an initial budget 1-3 weeks after being onboarded.

–End of Charter–

Platform & Technologies

Once the ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group is established and running we will utilise Github to house our Open Source repositiories for Projects and other code resources.
Additonally we will establish a Discord channel for discussions and other important information pertaining to the Development Working Group

Steps to Implement & Timeline

    1. Approve the formation of a Development Working Group with 3 total elected Stewards.
    1. Hold an election, on schedule (below) and using the same procedures as the other WG elections, to first elect two Stewards who will oversee this Groups’ operations.
    1. Establish a budget and set of guidelines for the Development Working Group to follow.
    1. Engage the community to surface new ideas and contributions.
    1. Provide regular updates to the DAO community on the group’s operations and decisions.

The timeline for the implementation of this proposal is as follows:

  • 1-3 weeks: Proposal drafting, community feedback, voting.
  • Begins in Jan/Feb: Election of two Stewards.
  • 1-3 weeks after Stewards sign onboarding documents: Establishment of budget and guidelines.
  • Within 45 days of the Stewards onboarding: Development Working Group begins operations.

Overall Cost


This AIP serves as an initial framework to establish this Working Group. The three elected Stewards will propose a budget 1-3 weeks after being onboarded.

List item


Props on getting this up. Im looking forward to seeing this develop. While I’m not a dev myself, I do acknowledge the importance of such a WG being formed.


Bullish on this! In-house dApps would be better for Apecoin DAO and overall tools and resources needed


I think it’s spot on. There’s definitely a core set of utilities and services that could be spun out from the DAO which bring back revenue, and or fees, back to the DAO’s treasure.
This also would not be anything that hasn’t been pioneered by other DAOs, so it makes sense to pursue.

I’d like to see a formal outline on how the revenue can flow back to the DAO’s treasury.
For example, “a category of particular daps / service could automatically distribute fees accrued back to the DAO, etc”.


I also like this better than other AIPs that seek funding for their own projects or startups, because this initiative could also focus on developing public goods that could be utilized across the Web3 space, and a smart contract SaaS piece to them.


This will really be a huge leap, generating income for the DAO with the group’s contribution.


Thanks @irvinxyz

I definitely think we got the skills and talent in our community too, also tapping into EthGlobal hackers and Moca community will be key. @Harry has the Ape Accelerator going now so we can go full circle with this mentality

Appreciate your support fam


This is key and first on the agenda for me, a clear and concise roadmap or outline to follow and replicate

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Thanks, believe we have some great communities to tap into as well, @ysiu.ape and Animoca have a massive ecosystem and believe we can bring in some of those leaders to guide us, just one big happy web3 family. Tear down silos, unite and buidl together

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Hi @0xWebMoss,

The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in less than 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.

  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.

  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.



This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi @0xWebMoss,

Thank you for your ideas [and the ApeCoin DAO community for the insightful discussions].

A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft using the appropriate template.

  • Once the AIP Draft is confirmed by the author and meets all DAO-approved guidelines, it will receive an AIP ID number and move forward for Draft Analysis Review.
  • @0xWebMoss please see your messages for the next steps.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments. In accordance with DAO-approved guidelines, if the author does not respond within 30 days, the proposal will be automatically transferred to the Withdrawn category, and the author can re-submit the idea.



Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@0xWebMoss has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 376.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,



Hey @0xWebMoss thanks for putting this idea together. We had initially discussed the formation of some kind of “tech” working group when the original working groups were getting stood up earlier this year. However, the tech group idea was put on hold as we focused on the others we have today. I was wondering if/when the tech group idea would surface again.

In my opinion, one area the DAO has struggled so far is attracting developers to our community and giving them a reason to build with and stay involved in our community. Do you have ideas on ways this can be accomplished? I often think about all the talented people participating in Hackathons who don’t make their way to our DAO.


All statements and opinions are my own, not on behalf of the Ape Foundation


These projects may or may not make revenue (or profit). However non are generating income streams back to the ApeCoin Dao. They are all independent AIP recipients with no ownership or revenue split back to the DAO. They are all simply Grant recipients.

Also I see a focus on technology builders, so is this a Developers Working Group and not a Development Working Group? I think the title is way too broad. For example every working group in existence Development is a core reason for their existence.

Finally, the GWG is already working on financial sustainability report and financial sustainability is one of the three core areas I proposed to focus in 2024.

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Hi @bigbull

I ment we need to help return some revenue or funding back to these projects.

The aim is to support developers who want to and can build for the DAO so a combination of sorts imo.

We would need to create a list of projects the DAO could build like Payment Gateways, Swops, Bridges, etc. With ApeChain we could focus on building explorers and other chain tools. Some would come included I’m sure but it opens us up to a wealth of opportunities.

Lastly we could define a list of nice to haves, these can be things we open up to hackers for example so we can drive some innovation from EthGlobal side.

Sorry for late reply, holidaying :beach_umbrella:


id love to help anyway you need


Hello @0xWebMoss, I would like to thank you for submitting AIP-376. Your initiative is much appreciated. Lately, I have been researching new Layer 2 solutions that are built on Ethereum. These L2s offer support, grants, and tools to builders to help them succeed and grow the network. I believe that we can learn from examples set by Optimism, Arbitrum, Manta, and others on how to empower our builders. Also, would it be wise to wait until after the Apechain is voted on to select stewards who are experts in the chosen chain?


Appreciate it @Xavierfreeway

Feel free to dive in, drop any ideas and thoughts, appreciate all the help we can get to make it happen

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