I’m against the staking infraestructure proposed on AIP-4, it makes $APE no better than a common farm token. Giving it for free just for staking? No lock times? come on guys! This was a good idea on 2020 not now and not with a token like $APE and what it represents.
Everything points that veToken will be the new standard to govern DAOs so we should go that way and we should use the tokens that were meant to be used on AIP-4 to incentivize this system. With veAPE we will take a lot of $APEs out of the circulating supply, we will give rewards to the ones who really care about the project and we can multiply the direct emissions recieved if you hold a BAYC/MAYC or whatever.
We cant hurry in this early steps, we must give $APE value, incentize its use in the metaverse but also incentivize holding it to be a part of the DAO.
This is the post with my opinion about all this stuff: