AIP-515: The Public Bored - Phase 2, Take 2 (Resubmission)


AIP-457: The Public Bored - Phase 2



原始提案: AIP-457: The Public Bored - Phase 2 - #19 by Chris.Admin




  • 大幅缩短了项目周期,由外部投资者的投资抵消 = 减少约70%
  • 取消了购买物理数字广告牌的计划 = 100%减少
  • 取消了所有会议活动的启动 = 100%减少
  • 将DAO在技术方面的股权份额减少至2.5%
  • 公共Bored代币发行的时间推迟到未来日期,并分离出不同的范围
  • 将此AIP的整体成本从最初提交的270万美元减少到25万美元



AIP-457: The Public Bored - 第二阶段

我是MemeBrains,在现实生活中是Eric Gilbert-Williams。我的联合创始人BossDragon和我通过AIP-267在ApeCoin.com上构建了金库透明度仪表盘,并在apecoingwg.com上构建了治理仪表盘。我们在以太坊丹佛黑客马拉松的DAO和社区赛道中获胜,并长期积极参与ApeCoin DAO和Mocaverse的活动。我们也是AIP-383的成功作者。


MemeBrains Twitter:

BossDragon是一位充满活力的Web3构建者,多次创业者,热衷于初创生态系统。他的现实生活名字是Bhargav Patel。作为他前公司Performance IQ的创始CTO,他的领导和技术专长推动该平台获得了超过2000万用户,最终被Battery Ventures成功收购。

BossDragon Twitter:



The Public Bored的目标是让在全球任何数字广告牌上展示内容变得像发推文一样简单。我们在经营之前的一家公司时发现了广告牌行业的重大痛点。我们的商业模式是为广告牌所有者创建一个市场平台,帮助他们增加收入,并接触到一个更大的TAM(可总目标市场),就像数字广告牌行业的AirBNB。我们的目标是在大约20个城市扩展,达到1亿美元的年收入。我们都是在该领域有丰富经验并多次成功创业的创始人。

我们的2分钟演讲曾在知名天使投资人Jason Calacanis主持的著名科技初创公司播客《This Week in Startups (TWIST)》上亮相。通过以下YouTube链接收听:


  • 我们的部分在4分32秒处。


原始论坛发布: * AIP-383: The Public Bored - MVP Launch of a Digital Billboard Network 2

快照投票: * Snapshot Vote

第一次进展更新: Implementation Update | AIP-383: The Public Bored - MVP Launch of a Digital Billboard Network 5

第二次进展更新: The Public Bored AIP-383 Transparency & Accountability Update 3

第三次进展更新: The Public Bored AIP-383 Transparency & Accountability Update #3

与$APE一起构建 & 欢迎来到ApeCoin空间

通过在The Public Bored网站主菜单中推广我们的“Build with $APE”页面,我们正在促进与ApeCoin生态系统的更深层次整合。

在6,600多次网站访问中,超过500人访问了我们的Build with $APE页面,初步转化率达到了8%。我们目前正在帮助这些用户加入ApeCoin DAO。


Build with Ape页面链接:Build with $APE - The Public Bored


The Public Bored的创新技术已获得专利申请状态,在NFC里斯本活动前提交了临时专利申请,以保护在公共数字屏幕上显示内容的方法。这一步对于建立防御性立场至关重要,为未来与投资者的扩展努力奠定基础。


截至目前,我们已从Jason Calacanis和Antler VC获得了总计27.5万美元的投资,并承诺了另外25万美元的资金,这些资金将在本AIP成功通过后开始解锁。

Jason在公司初期以100万美元的估值与我们达成协议并进行了投资。在我们取得一定进展后,Antler VC以270万美元的估值进行了后续投资。Antler额外的25万美元资金将在我们达到1000万美元的估值时开始解锁,以匹配ApeCoin DAO所获得的条款。

在过去的7个月里,我们在向10亿美元以上的目标估值迈进的过程中取得了重大进展,并很高兴能让ApeCoin DAO参与到这一旅程中。






  • ApeCoin DAO将获得该项目2.5%的股权。The Public Bored的目标是达到超过10亿美元的估值,从而为DAO金库带来约2500万美元的回报。(用于讨论的简单数学计算)


  • AIP-383承诺的20%收入分成将继续,直到AIP-383的所有资金全部返还DAO金库。


  • 一部分展示空间将专门为ApeCoin DAO及其合作伙伴网络保留,包括$APE持有者、BAYC/MAYC、Mocaverse、JRNY Club、Otherside、Surreal Guild、Made by Apes品牌、Elite Apes、Bored Canada、French Apes、UK Apes、Bulls on the Block以及所有ApeCoin代表。


  • 任何用$APE支付的人将获得额外的展示时间奖励。


  • 我们网站上的“Build with $APE”页面及其相应的AIP作者指南将进一步扩展,鼓励并帮助新的建设者加入ApeCoin社区。
  • 我们的“欢迎来到ApeCoin空间”将在X平台上继续运行。




  • 关键绩效指标 (KPIs)
    • 首位广告牌所有者入驻: 完成我们与数字广告牌所有者的现有讨论,激活网络中的第一个永久性数字广告牌。
    • 技术增强: 对我们的技术平台进行改进,并推出移动应用程序。
    • 人员配备: 招聘并培训最多3名社交媒体人员,包括一位领导职位,以执行我们在今年早些时候于ETH Denver和NFC Lisbon成功实施的营销策略。该团队将专注于通过我们的病毒式营销计划吸引整个城市。
  • 成本
    • 运营成本 - 高达1万美元: 内部团队的协调费用,包括团队领导、成功交付关键绩效指标等相关运营成本。
    • 技术开发 - 高达2万美元: 涉及前端、后端、移动应用程序开发、A/B测试流程、销售漏斗自动化等技术开发的内部团队成本。
    • 团队人员配备 - 高达1万美元: 最终的薪资谈判、人员数量及招聘时间可能影响成本。前两次AIP-383活动中的人员将继续参与该提案的第二阶段。
    • 市场营销 - 高达2500美元: 包括宣传视频、图形及其他类似工作的营销成本。
    • 杂项费用 - 高达2500美元: 用于杂项或不可预见的支出。


关键绩效指标 (KPIs)

  • 正式启动首个广告牌: 正式启动我们首个永久性数字广告牌,并开始与其所在城市进行互动。
  • 10,000名用户: 将我们的注册用户群扩展到六位数规模。
  • 年经常性收入(ARR)超过$50k: 实现每月$4k的经常性收入。


  • 运营成本: $10k
  • 技术开发: $20k
  • 团队人员配备: $10k
  • 市场营销: $5k
  • 杂项: $2.5k


关键绩效指标 (KPIs)

  • 增长计划: 扩大运营规模,利用关键用户反馈优化我们的技术,并扩展我们的影响范围。
  • 在网络上新增广告牌: 开始将新的广告牌所有者的广告牌添加到The Public Bored平台上。
  • 20,000名用户
  • 年经常性收入(ARR)超过$100k


  • 运营成本: $10k
  • 技术开发: $10k
  • 团队人员配备: $10k
  • 市场营销: $5k
  • 杂项: $2.5k


关键绩效指标 (KPIs)

  • 持续增长
  • 100,000名用户
  • 年经常性收入(ARR)超过$250k: 实现每月$20k的经常性收入。


  • 运营成本: $15k
  • 技术开发: $10k
  • 团队人员配备: $20k
  • 市场营销: $10k
  • 杂项: $5k


关键绩效指标 (KPIs)

  • 持续增长
  • 250,000名用户
  • 年经常性收入(ARR)超过$1M: 实现每月$83k的经常性收入。
  • 风险投资: 完成我们的A轮融资。


  • 运营成本: $20k
  • 技术开发: $5k
  • 团队人员配备: $20k
  • 市场营销: $10k
  • 杂项: $5k


从ApeCoin生态系统基金请求的总金额 = $250,000(以$APE支付)


  • 技术开发: $65k
    • 增强和创新平台技术,包括推出我们的移动应用程序。
  • 核心团队人员配备及相关费用: $135k
    • 建立一个精简但高效的核心团队,遵循精益(LEAN)和敏捷(AGILE)原则。
  • 市场营销和销售: $32.5k
    • 推动参与度和用户增长,以满足我们的客户适应和每月经常性收入目标。
  • 杂项费用: $17.5k
    • 法律合规、会计与管理、HR、差旅等其他费用。



This resubmission reflects major market updates within the ApeCoin ecosystem plus community feedback. The original AIP was written before the passing of the banana bill and when $APE was at $1.30, since then the overall available treasury size has decreased substantially. In respect of this, I have reduced the scope and therefore also reduced the cost. Additionally, we have now received some outside VC funding which has helped us offset some of this cost and balance our overall budget. We would still very much like to include ApeCoin on the long term scaling strategy and rewards of this venture.

Reductions to Scope & Cost:

  • Reduced the length of runway significantly, offset by investments from outside investors = ~70% reduction
  • Removed the purchase of physical digital billboards = 100% reduction.
  • Removed all conference event activations = 100% reduction
  • Reduced equity stake in the tech aspect of the venture for the DAO down to 2.5%
  • Removal/Separation of the Public Bored token launch to a future date and separate scope
  • Reduced the Overall Cost of this AIP down to $250k from the originally submitted $2.7M

We choose to forego the 7-day AIP Idea phase and to enter directly into AIP Draft phase.


The Public Bored - Phase 2, Take 2 (Resubmission)


I am MemeBrains online and Eric Gilbert-Williams IRL. My Co-founder BossDragon and I built the treasury transparency dashboard on through AIP-267, and the governance dashboard on We won at the Ethereum Denver Hackathon in the DAO & Community track and are long time active participants with the ApeCoin DAO and the Mocaverse. We are also the successful authors of AIP-383.

I’m a repeat founder and operational leader. I developed an ERP software that helped me grow one of my prior companies from a solo venture to a team of 60, achieving over $6M ARR. I also produced a DAO podcast and a philanthropic mental health podcast.

MemeBrains Twitter:

BossDragon is a dynamic Web3 builder, repeat founder, and entrepreneur driven by a passion for the startup ecosystem. His IRL name is Bhargav Patel. As the founding CTO of his former company, Performance IQ, his leadership and technical expertise propelled the platform to adopt over 20 million users before its successful acquisition by Battery Ventures.

BossDragon Twitter:


This AIP aims to increase the size of the DAO treasury by way of equity participation in a highly scalable business model, founded by two very active ApeCoin & Mocaverse community members with successful track records for building and selling companies at profit. Additionally, this AIP directly helps to onboard new community members into the DAO and provides significant exposure for the ApeCoin and Mocaverse ecosystems to venture capital and consumer markets.

The Public Bored aims to make displaying content on any digital billboard in the world, as easy as sending a tweet. We discovered serious pain points in the billboard industry while owning a previous company. Our business model is a marketplace for billboard owners to increase their revenue and to open up access to a much larger TAM (total addressable market), like an AirBNB for digital billboards. Our path to $100M ARR is to expand to approximately 20 cities. We are both repeat successful founders with notable experience relating to this field.

Our 2-minute pitch was featured on a major tech-startup podcast called This Week in Startups (TWIST), hosted by the prolific Angel Investor Jason Calacanis. Listen using the YouTube link below:

2-min Pitch Live Here:

  • Our section is at 4:32

Timeline of Historic Events & Accountability Reporting:

Build with $APE & Welcome to ApeCoin Spaces

By promoting our “Build with $APE” page located in the main menu of The Public Bored website, we’re facilitating deeper integration into the ApeCoin ecosystem.

Out of 6,600+ website visits, over 500 people engaged with our Build with $APE page, achieving an 8% initial conversion, and we are currently in the process of helping onboard these individuals into the ApeCoin DAO.

We aim to reach millions as we expand this model.

Build with Ape Page here: Build with $APE - The Public Bored


The Public Bored has obtained patent pending status for its innovative technology, filing a provisional patent prior to the NFC Lisbon event to safeguard methods for displaying content on public digital screens. This step is vital for establishing a defensive position crucial for future scaling efforts with investors.


We have so far received investments from Jason Calacanis and Antler VC totaling $275k, with a further $250k committed which will start unlocking upon the successful passing of this AIP.

Jason invested with terms we agreed to at the earliest stage of the venture at a $1M valuation. Antler came in next after we achieved some traction to invest at the $2.7M valuation. Antlers additional $250k would start unlocking at the $10M valuation to match the terms which the ApeCoin DAO would be receiving.

We have made significant progress throughout the past 7 months towards our $1B+ target valuation and are excited to include the ApeCoin DAO on this journey.


We prepared the following document for those who are interested in learning more about the industry and our strategy:

Digital Billboards - The Industry & Our Strategy - Google Docs


Equity and Investment Terms:

  • The ApeCoin DAO will receive a 2.5% equity stake in the venture. The aim of The Public Bored is to exceed a $1B valuation, and therefore send ~$25M back to the DAO treasury. (simplistic math for discussion purposes)


  • The revenue sharing of 20% from the AIP-383 promise will continue until all funds from AIP-383 are sent back to the DAO Treasury in full.

Free Display Space:

  • A portion of display space will be reserved exclusively for the ApeCoin DAO and our network of partners, including $APE hodlers, BAYC/MAYC, Mocaverse, JRNY Club, Otherside, Surreal Guild, Made by Apes brands, Elite Apes, Bored Canada, French Apes, UK Apes, Bulls on the Block, and all ApeCoin Delegates.

Pay with $APE incentives:

  • Bonus display time will be provided to anyone paying in $APE.

Ecosystem Recruitment & Onboarding:

  • The Build with $APE page on our website with its corresponding Guide for new AIP authors will be expanded upon, encouraging and helping new builders to join the ApeCoin community.
  • Our Welcome to ApeCoin Spaces on X will continue.


There are no expectations from the Foundation for this AIP.

This AIP would be considered as fully implemented once we have completed the Steps to Implementation outlined below, of having established sustainable recurring revenue, and created a network model for other billboard owners to join.

Q4 2024:

  • KPIs
    • Onboarding of First Billbored Owner: Finalize one of our current discussions with the owners of digital billboreds and activate the first permanently located digital billboards on our network.
    • Technology Enhancements: Implement enhancements to our technology platform and launch our mobile app.
    • Personnel: Hire and train an effective team of up to 3 social media personnel, including one in a leadership role, to execute the marketing strategy we developed and implemented successfully at ETH Denver and NFC Lisbon earlier this year. This team will be dedicated to engaging an entire city in our viral marketing program.
  • Costs
    • Operational Costs - Up to $10k: Internal team costs for coordination of all venture efforts, team leadership, successful delivery of KPIs and more.
    • Technology Development - Up to $20k: For internal team costs relating to technology development such as front end, back end, mobile app, A/B testing processes, sales funnel automation, and more.
    • Team Staffing - Up to $10k: Costs could come in less depending on final salary negotiations, quantity of staffing, and timing of the hiring. Staffing from our previous two AIP-383 activation will continue forward with this Phase 2 proposal.
    • Marketing - Up to $2.5k: Marketing costs include promotional videos, graphics, and other similar work.
    • Misc - Up to $2.5k: For miscellaneous and/or unforeseen expenditures.

Q1 2025

  • KPIs
    • Officially Launch First Billbored: Officially launch our first permanent digital billboard location and commence engaging the city which it is located within.
    • 10,000 Users: Grow our registered user base to 6-digits in size.
    • $50k+ ARR: Represented as establishing $4k in monthly recurring revenue.
  • Costs
    • Operational Costs - $10k
    • Technology Development - $20k
    • Team Staffing - $10k
    • Marketing - $5k
    • Misc - $2.5k

Q2 2025

  • KPIs
    • Growth Initiatives: Scale operations, optimizing our technology with critical user feedback, and expanding our reach.
    • Launch Additional Billboreds on the Network: Commence adding new billboards from new owners live onto the Public Bored platform
    • 20,000 Users
    • $100k+ ARR
  • Costs
    • Operational Costs - $10k
    • Technology Development - $10k
    • Team Staffing - $10k
    • Marketing - $5k
    • Misc - $2.5k

Q3 2025

  • KPIs
    • Continued Growth
    • 100,000 Users
    • $250k+ ARR: Represented as establishing $20k in monthly recurring revenue.
  • Costs
    • Operational Costs - $15k
    • Technology Development - $10k
    • Team Staffing - $20k
    • Marketing - $10k
    • Misc - $5k

Q4 2025

  • KPIs
    • Continued Growth
    • 250,000 Users
    • $1M ARR: Represented as establishing $83k in monthly recurring revenue.
    • Venture Funding: Raise our Series A funding round.
  • Costs
    • Operational Costs - $20k
    • Technology Development - $5k
    • Team Staffing - $20k
    • Marketing - $10k
    • Misc - $5k


Our reporting deliverables for AIP-383 significantly exceeded most prior AIP authors. We aim to lead by example. You will see a minimum of 4 updates per year.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $250,000 paid in $APE

15 Month Budget Allocations as follows:

Technology Development: $65k

  • Enhance and innovate the platform’s technology including the launch of our mobile app.

Core Team Staffing and Related Expenses: $135k

  • Build a lean yet effective core team, adhering to LEAN and AGILE principles.

Marketing & Sales: $32.5k

  • Drive engagement and user growth to meet our customer adaption and monthly recurring revenue targets.

Misc Expenses: $17.5k

  • Legal compliance, accounting & administration, HR, travel, other

Q4 2024: $92,500 (upon successfull AIP passing)
Q1 2025: $37,500 (first week January 2025)
Q2 2025: $60,000 (first week April 2025)
Q3 2025: $60,000 (first week July 2025)

The Associated costs of each step are variable by nature and are topped up by outside investment capital.

You have worked so hard on this! I really love the work you have already done on it.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

As a Resubmission author, @MemeBrains opted to forego the community feedback period and has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 515.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

This proposal is live for vote at Snapshot. The voting period closes 13 days from now at 9PM EST.

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimize for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

ApeComms had the pleasure of hosting @MemeBrains on our ApeCoin Space. If you’d like to hear more about his proposal and the discussion we had, feel free to check out the recording here:

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I can say two things @MemeBrains has consistently delivered and/or over delivered on previous AIPs. He also does a great job or reporting his progress back to the DAO.

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MCEmissary Delegation Voted -
Against based on our community vote:

  • Against: 59.57%
  • For: 40.43%

#DelegateAccelerator #MCEmissary

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The voting has closed for this proposal and it has not been approved.

This Topic will be moved to and remain in the Rejected AIPs subcategory.
