AIP-533: Previously accepted AIP updates must be submitted to move a New AIP onto the AIP Draft Phase


Previously accepted AIP updates must be submitted to move a New AIP onto the AIP Draft Phase


As it is a Governance related AIP, I will discuss with the GWG Stewards if the GWG would like to be added as an author.


The concept is very simple. You don’t give feedback to the DAO you can’t move any new AIP to the Draft Phase until the AIP Execution and Transparency report is completed for your previous Accepted AIP.

Updates must be submitted here:


Past performance and behaviours are an indication of the future results.

If you created and AIP, even if Zero cost you should say what happened. As even Zero costs proposals cost the DAO funds in terms of taking you through the AIP process. However, this is doubly important for AIPs which received funding, hence completing a Grant recipient contract and full KYC/KYB which comes at a cost to the DAO.

Grant giving organisations traditionally have weak reporting, as there is little incentive once someone gets a Grant to report back unless it is either stipulated in the terms and conditions of getting the grant or it could impact them not being able to apply for funds in the future.

This will benefit the ApeCoin ecosystem by providing better transparency.

This also addresses two points I made in my nomination statement (see points 2 and 3): Improve methods for spreading information and reduce AIP implementation risks.


Monitoring - Systematic process of reviewing and assessing the impact of grants given.


Outline the steps to implement your proposal.

  • Once passed this can be a check list requirement for any AIP Idea to proceed from AIP Idea to AIP Draft.
  • Milestones
    Website updated
    Forum process updated
  • Key performance indicators.
    Compare number of Transparency reports currently submitted and the number submitted each quarter after implementation of this AIP.
  • There are no costs with this proposal and it should actually reduce the time Facilitators would need to chase down updates from Accepted AIP Authors.
  • The APE Foundation will not advance any AIP to the Draft Phase, unless the AIP Execution and Transparency Report(s) of previous AIPs by the same Author have been submitted and accepted by the Foundation.


The Foundation is aware of the issue of Monitoring and Reporting of AIP progress. They have looked at two ways to address this:

  1. Current Reporting Expectations section aims to address the problem of transparency and Implementation Updated. That section of the AIP Draft template, states it is compulsory for AIP Authors to submit their own timeline for updates within a proposal.

  2. Adding guidelines for tranche funding for Grant recipients.

However, no clear penalty is attached for non compliance of the Implementation Updates they are often treated merely as a suggestion from the Foundation.

If implemented, the AIP Grant recipients will have to provide a schedule for which they will commit to for sharing progress reports to the community.

There will be work required from the DAO administration, in two areas:

  1. Determining what information is compulsory to share to the community vs what additional information must be shared but not made public.
  2. Monitoring and Reporting back to the community.


“Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $0.”

  • This will require the process update to include this step on the text in the Apecoin website and the forum discussion platform.


At my LIMIT for “vote” at top - quick comment then - this idea just makes sense, hope to see it progress. :handshake::handshake:



:white_check_mark: Kapow! Seems fair and reasonable :+1:


I found a bug that my voting count was not resetting so I was unable to vote. I reported to the facilitators who fixed it for me this week. Are you having the same problem? If so reach out to them to manually reset it.


Thanks. Yes same issue. I did think it was odd - can’t vote anymore or “unvote” to enable - wrote it off as possibly some kind of punishment :man_shrugging::innocent:. Will reach out - Thanks BB.


Yes - I had the same issue and sent a message. I just voted; so it appears to have been fixed for me as well.

As to this proposal, I think it’s a great idea. I have posted several times that the implementation update section is being treated like a mere suggestion instead of a mandatory requirement. Not even that, often times we end up with proposals whereby the authors don’t even come back to answer questions. Then it goes to vote - and tends to pass. We never see them or the funds again.

Though I don’t see how this proposal will be effective due to the fact that most proposals are “one and done” because those people tend not to come back anyway. So, I believe it’s a bit too late to be of any effect - especially during this phase of the DAO’s existence.


Transparency makes sense.

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This makes perfect sense. Someone who receives funding and doesn’t report on their implementation shouldn’t be able to get another grant. However, it does mean that someone can get a first large grant and simply not report on the implementation - the only penalty being that they can’t get a second grant. So while I support this proposal, I still think that it doesn’t quite go far enough in accountability. But certainly a good start.


it makes sense to have more transparency and to have more best practices as requirement.

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I appreciate this idea as many AIP authors just disappear and some come back and submit more before ever updating on the first.


I am thinking to expand this AIP with a much larger request, including:

Monitoring and Reporting

I discussed issues around this here.


While I applaud this initiative, as you’re probably aware, literally none of that is enforceable due to how our DAO is setup.

And so, the only enforceable path that ties into transparency and accountability, is to attach the [public] progress reporting requirements to the proposal - much like we do with milestone payments. This is standard practice in sectors that are actually serious about things like transparency and accountability which Web3 tends to treat like mere suggestions.


Think this makes a ton of sense and will general improve governance and transparency.

Appreciate you putting this together!


This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@bigbull has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 533.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Just common sense to make this happen.

-Trippies #DelegateAccelerator

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Our team has reviewed and discussed @bigbull 's AIP Draft and has sent a list of initial questions. We await answers.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

This Topic has been rejected based on the DAO-approved guidelines due to no response in the last 30 days. The Topic may be submitted again by any user and upon approval, will be open for 7 days for community discussions.

This Topic will move and remain in the Withdrawn AIPs category.
