@BigBull - Governance WG Nomination 1/2024

Personal Information

Discourse ID: @bigbull

Twitter: x.com

Educational Background:

Economics degree, followed up with postgraduate studies and later awarded an Honorary Fellow of top Global University.

Professional Background:

Bigbull has over 25 years of business experience in the fields of technology, sustainability, medical and strategic advisory. He is an investor in sustainable and blockchain sectors. He has worked at Fortune 500, listed and private companies. Earlier in his career he provided management and technical consultancy to multi-million USD projects. He has experience as board member of a listed company responsible for governance; and as a Board level Supervisor of a subsidiary of US listed technology company and Senior Advisor to the global founder.

Nomination Statement

Concise statement on why you are running for the Governance WG Steward

I am honored to nominate myself as a Steward for the Governance Working Group (GWG). We need the GWG to be comprised of members with complementary skillsets, a clear understanding of the current ApeCoin Dao Governance structure so can quickly as a group to implement solutions. The Special Council and the three Governance Stewards need to agree on a clear vision so that we can sail the ship in one direction. We need those with strong industry experience to find ways to further decentralise governance and increase the adoption of ApeCoin.


Details on your motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO Governance WG Steward

I have a deep passion for Governance and to be at the leading edge of DAO frameworks and development. I am running for the Governance Steward role to address the issues below:

  1. Expand Community Engagement

• Increase decentralisation by the expansion of active and functional delegations.

• Improve methods for spreading information about ApeCoin Dao.

• Reduce AIP implementation risks.

  1. Expand Financial Adoption and the financial sustainability of APE.

• Look at Apecoin to be included in ETFs.

• Consider how to make APE a treasury level token.

• Enable structures so that long term financial returns can come back to the Apecoin Dao.

  1. Expand Technical Leadership and Innovation

• Examine the future position of APE working with experts to determine the options to the community of what it should become? Should it remain as a token under Ethereum? A Layer 2 solution under Ethereum, such as suggested by Polygon? ApeChain on the Superchain (Optimism Foundation)? A Parachain under Polkadot? or something else.

• Look to develop governance tools and processes to streamline the community expansion.

• Innovate new DAO structures to enable both grant making and investments by the ApeCoin Dao.

ApeCoin can be the “Coin of Culture” and to achieve this we need to unleash the potential of a decentralised ecosytem and both web3 and traditional investment vehicles.


Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin community

ApeCoin DAO contributions

• I wrote AIP-295: Protect Snapshot - Must have 1 Apecoin to vote, which successfully passed with 6m+ votes 99.9% acceptance.

• Have shown passion for the ApeCoin Dao by reading the entire forum and with over 350 contributions.

• Created 4 Prop House ThankApe Proposals - 3 voted in by community.

• By being very active in the ThankApe program I was awarded 1,719 APE which I have donated charity.

• Previously elected to be the Spokesperson of the Ape Assembly, which gave me a clear understanding of issues that can arise from unclear initiatives.

Crypto and NFTs

• Crypto since 2019

• Nfts from 2020 - Holder of many major projects such as BAYC, MAYC, Meebits, 0N1. Approximately 1,000 NFTs in various projects.

• Apecoin holder since launch and have continued to accumulate APE. Hold about 30,000 APE and I plan to hold any APE rewarded for a minimum of 6 months, I believe being aligned with APE hodlers is key.

Community Development

• Setup Bull Council - 2021 which avoided Bullsontheblock project being a rug and now the community wallet (CW) holds 32 sandbox plots, MAYC, V friends, Otherside deeds,CyberKongz VX, Coolcats, Azuki Elementals and many other NFTs. I had to get all the members to join and handle the process of transition.

• Experience in DAO tools such as Gnosis Wallets, discord and other tools/platforms used by ApeCoin.

• Have strong relationships with members in the web3 ecosystem.


Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation, and/or ideas for DAO improvement

  • Former Spokesperson of the Ape Assembly

  • Crypto since 2019

  • Nfts from 2020

  • Apecoin since launch

  • Setup Bull Council

  • Experience with Gnosis Wallets

  • Plan to hold all ApeCoin payments for 6 months from being given.

  • Familiar with Discord and other tools platforms used by ApeCoin

Concluding Statement

Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Governance WG Steward

Having deep dived into the ApeCoin ecosystem, I am applying with a rich knowledge of the good and the bad points of the DAO. This enables me to think strategically and work with the other Governing Stewards to both implement consistent improvements to the DAO and develop programs to reach a financially sustainable model for the DAO, thus ensuring its long term future.


Reserved for additional content.

Different Language translations. If you see errors let me know. Happy to correct them.


Informations personnelles
**Identifiant de discours **: @bigbull

Twitter : https://twitter.com/kapitalcrypto

Formation :
Diplôme d’économie, suivi d’études de troisième cycle et d’un titre de membre honoraire de la meilleure université mondiale.

Expérience professionnelle :
Bigbull a plus de 25 ans d’expérience commerciale dans les domaines de la technologie, du développement durable, de la médecine et du conseil stratégique. Il est un investisseur dans les secteurs du développement durable et de la blockchain. Il a travaillé dans des entreprises classées au Fortune 500, cotées en bourse et privées. Au début de sa carrière, il a fourni des conseils techniques et de gestion à des projets de plusieurs millions de dollars. Il a de l’expérience en tant que membre du conseil d’administration d’une société cotée en bourse responsable de la gouvernance ; et en tant que superviseur au niveau du conseil d’administration d’une filiale d’une société de technologie cotée en bourse aux États-Unis et conseiller principal du fondateur mondial.

Déclaration de candidature
Expliquez brièvement les raisons de votre candidature au poste de responsable du groupe de travail sur la gouvernance.

J’ai l’honneur de me présenter comme délégué du groupe de travail sur la gouvernance (GWG). Nous avons besoin que le GWG soit composé de membres ayant des compétences complémentaires, une compréhension claire de la structure de gouvernance actuelle de l’ApeCoin Dao afin de pouvoir rapidement mettre en œuvre des solutions en tant que groupe. Le Conseil spécial et les trois responsables de la gouvernance doivent se mettre d’accord sur une vision claire afin que nous puissions diriger le navire dans une seule direction. Nous avons besoin de personnes ayant une solide expérience de l’industrie pour trouver des moyens de décentraliser davantage la gouvernance et d’accroître l’adoption d’ApeCoin.

Détails sur votre motivation pour devenir un Steward du WG de Gouvernance de la DAO ApeCoin

J’ai une profonde passion pour la gouvernance et pour être à la pointe du développement et de l’encadrement des DAO. Je me présente pour le rôle d’intendant de la gouvernance afin d’aborder les questions ci-dessous :

Accroître l’engagement de la communauté

  • Augmenter la décentralisation par l’expansion des délégations actives et fonctionnelles.
  • Améliorer les méthodes de diffusion de l’information sur ApeCoin Dao.
  • Réduire les risques liés à la mise en œuvre de l’EP.

Développer l’adoption financière et la viabilité financière de l’APE.

  • Examiner la possibilité d’inclure l’Apecoin dans les ETF.
  • Examiner comment faire de l’APE un jeton de trésorerie.
  • Mettre en place des structures permettant aux rendements financiers à long terme de revenir à l’Apecoin Dao.

Développer le leadership technique et l’innovation

  • Examiner la position future de l’APE en travaillant avec des experts pour déterminer les options de la communauté sur ce qu’elle devrait devenir. Doit-il rester un jeton sous Ethereum ? Une solution de niveau 2 sous Ethereum, telle que suggérée par Polygon ? ApeChain sur la Superchain (Optimism Foundation) ? Une Parachain sous Polkadot ? ou autre chose.
  • Chercher à développer des outils et des processus de gouvernance pour rationaliser l’expansion de la communauté.
  • Innover de nouvelles structures DAO pour permettre à la fois l’octroi de subventions et les investissements par l’ApeCoin Dao.

ApeCoin peut être la “monnaie de la culture” et pour y parvenir, nous devons libérer le potentiel d’un écosystème décentralisé et des véhicules d’investissement traditionnels et du web3.

Raison d’être
Partager une expérience et des compétences pertinentes qui apporteront de la valeur à la communauté ApeCoin

Contributions à la DAO d’ApeCoin

  • J’ai écrit l’AIP-295 : Protect Snapshot - Must have 1 Apecoin to vote, qui a passé avec succès avec 6m+ votes 99.9% d’acceptation.
  • J’ai montré ma passion pour l’ApeCoin DAO en lisant tout le forum et en apportant plus de 350 contributions.
  • Création de 4 propositions Prop House ThankApe - 3 votées par la communauté.
  • En étant très actif dans le programme ThankApe, j’ai reçu 1 719 APE que j’ai donné à des œuvres de charité.
  • J’ai été élu porte-parole de l’Assemblée des Ape, ce qui m’a permis de bien comprendre les problèmes qui peuvent découler d’initiatives peu claires.

Crypto et NFTs

  • Crypto depuis 2019

  • Nfts depuis 2020 - Détenteur de nombreux projets majeurs tels que BAYC, MAYC, Meebits, 0N1. Environ 1 000 NFT dans divers projets.

  • Détenteur d’Apecoin depuis le lancement et a continué à accumuler des APE. Je détiens environ 30 000 APE et je prévois de conserver toute APE récompensée pendant au moins 6 mois, je pense qu’il est essentiel d’être aligné avec les détenteurs d’APE.

Développement de la communauté

  • Mise en place du Conseil Bull - 2021 qui a permis d’éviter que le projet Bullsontheblock ne soit un tapis et maintenant le portefeuille communautaire (CW) contient 32 parcelles de bac à sable, MAYC, V friends, Otherside deeds, CyberKongz VX, Coolcats, Azuki Elementals et beaucoup d’autres NFT. J’ai dû faire adhérer tous les membres et gérer le processus de transition.
  • Expérience des outils DAO tels que Gnosis Wallets, discord et autres outils/plateformes utilisés par ApeCoin.
  • Avoir de solides relations avec les membres de l’écosystème web3.

Décrire plus en détail l’expérience pertinente, y compris la crypto et la participation à la gouvernance, et / ou des idées pour l’amélioration de la DAO.

  • Ancien porte-parole de l’Assemblée de l’Ape
  • Crypto depuis 2019
  • Nfts depuis 2020
  • Apecoin depuis le lancement
  • Mise en place du Conseil des Taureaux
  • Expérience avec les portefeuilles Gnosis
  • Plan de rétention de tous les paiements ApeCoin pendant 6 mois à partir du moment où ils sont donnés.
  • Familiarisé avec Discord et d’autres plateformes d’outils utilisées par ApeCoin

Déclaration finale
Résumez votre déclaration en expliquant pourquoi vous êtes le meilleur choix pour le poste d’intendant du groupe de travail sur la gouvernance.

Ayant plongé profondément dans l’écosystème d’ApeCoin, je postule avec une riche connaissance des bons et mauvais points de la DAO. Cela me permet de penser stratégiquement et de travailler avec les autres Governing Stewards pour à la fois mettre en œuvre des améliorations cohérentes à la DAO et développer des programmes pour atteindre un modèle financièrement durable pour la DAO, assurant ainsi son avenir à long terme.


演讲 @username

Twitter @profile




我很荣幸提名自己为治理工作组(GWG)的管理人。我们需要GWG由具有互补技能的成员组成,他们要清楚地了解当前的ApeCoin Dao治理结构,能够作为一个团队快速实施解决方案。特别委员会和三位治理管理人需要就一个明确的愿景达成一致,这样我们才能朝一个方向航行。我们需要那些拥有丰富行业经验的人找到进一步分散治理和提高ApeCoin的采用率的方法。

动机: 详细说明您成为治理工作组管理人的动机。

  1. 扩大社区参与
  • 通过扩大活跃的职能代表团来加强权力下放。
  • 改进ApeCoin Dao 的信息传播方法。
  • 降低 AIP 的实施风险。
  1. 扩大财务采用和 APE 的财务可持续性。
  • 研究将 Apecoin 纳入 ETF。
  • 考虑如何使 APE 成为财务部级代币。
  • 启用结构,使长期财务回报能够回归 Apecoin Dao。
  1. 扩大技术领导力和创新
  • 与专家合作研究 APE 的未来定位,以确定社区对其未来发展的选择?是否应继续作为以太坊下的代币?以太坊下的第 2 层解决方案,如 Polygon 建议的那样?ApeChain在超级链上(乐观基金会)?#Polkadot下的#Parachain?还是其他?
  • 寻求开发治理工具和流程,以简化社区扩展。
  • 创造新的DAO结构,使ApeCoin DAO能够进行赠款和投资。

ApeCoin 可以成为 “文化币”,为了实现这一目标,我们需要释放去中心化生态系统以及web3和传统投资工具的潜力。

理由:分享能为 ApeCoin DAO 规范带来价值的相关经验和技能:进一步描述相关经验,包括参与加密货币和治理。

ApeCoin DAO 的贡献

  • 我编写了 AIP-295: 保护快照 - 必须拥有 1 个 Apecoin 才能投票,该项目以超过600万的票数和99.9% 的接受度成功通过。
  • 通过阅读整个论坛和 350 多篇贡献,展现了对ApeCoin DAO 的热情。
  • 创建了 4 个道具屋 ThankApe 提案 - 其中 3 个获得社区投票通过。
  • 由于积极参与 ThankApe 项目,被授予了 1719 APE,并将其捐赠给了慈善机构。
  • 曾被选为Ape大会发言人,这让我清楚地认识到倡议不明确可能产生的问题。

加密货币和 NFT

  • 2019 年开始参与加密货币
  • 2020 年开始参与NFT – 持有许多重大项目,如 BAYC、MAYC、Meebits、0N1。 在各种项目中约有 1,000 个 NFT。
  • 自 Apecoin 推出以来一直是其持有者,并不断积累APE。 持有约 30,000 个 APE,计划持有任何 APE 奖励至少 6 个月,我相信与 APE 持有者联盟是关键。


  • 成立Bull理事会 - 2021 年,避免了 Bullsontheblock 项目成为低价值产品,现在社区钱包 (CW) 持有 32 个sandbox地块、MAYC、V Friends、Otherside deeds、CyberKongz VX、Coolcats、Azuki Elementals 和许多其他 NFT。我必须让所有成员加入,并处理过渡过程。
  • 拥有 DAO 工具方面的经验,如 Gnosis 钱包、discord 和 ApeCoin 使用的其他工具/平台。
  • 与 web3 生态系统中的成员保持密切的关系。

在深入研究 ApeCoin 生态系统之后,我对 DAO 的优点和缺点都有丰富的理解。这使我能够从战略角度思考问题,并与其他治理管理人合作,对 DAO 实施持续改进与开发,以实现 DAO 的财务可持续模式,确保其未来长期发展。


Personal na impormasyon

Discourse ID: @bigbull

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kapitalcrypto 9

Background na pang-edukasyon:
Economics degree, sinundan ng postgraduate studies at kalaunan ay ginawaran ng Honorary Fellow ng nangungunang Global University.

Propesyonal na Background:
Ang Bigbull ay may higit sa 25 taong karanasan sa negosyo sa larangan ng teknolohiya, pagpapanatili, medikal at madiskarteng pagpapayo. Siya ay isang mamumuhunan sa mga sektor ng sustainable at blockchain. Nagtrabaho siya sa Fortune 500, mga nakalista at pribadong kumpanya. Mas maaga sa kanyang karera, nagbigay siya ng management at technical consultancy sa multi-milyong USD na mga proyekto. Siya ay may karanasan bilang board member ng isang nakalistang kumpanya na responsable para sa pamamahala; at bilang isang Board level Supervisor ng isang subsidiary ng US listed technology company at Senior Advisor sa global founder.

Pahayag ng Nominasyon
Maikling pahayag kung bakit ka tumatakbo para sa Governance WG Steward

Ikinararangal kong i-nominate ang aking sarili bilang Steward para sa Governance Working Group (GWG). Kailangan namin ang GWG na binubuo ng mga miyembrong may mga complementary skillsets, isang malinaw na pag-unawa sa kasalukuyang istraktura ng Pamamahala ng ApeCoin Dao upang mabilis na maipatupad ang mga solusyon bilang isang grupo. Ang Espesyal na Konseho at ang tatlong Tagapangasiwa ng Pamamahala ay kailangang magkasundo sa isang malinaw na pananaw upang makapaglayag tayo sa barko sa isang direksyon. Kailangan namin ang mga may malakas na karanasan sa industriya upang humanap ng mga paraan upang higit pang i-desentralisa ang pamamahala at pataasin ang paggamit ng ApeCoin.


Mga detalye sa iyong motibasyon para maging isang ApeCoin DAO Governance WG Steward

Mayroon akong malalim na pagnanasa para sa Pamamahala at maging nangunguna sa mga balangkas at pag-unlad ng DAO. Tumatakbo ako para sa tungkulin ng Governance Steward upang matugunan ang mga isyu sa ibaba:

Palawakin ang Pakikipag-ugnayan sa Komunidad

• Palakihin ang desentralisasyon sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalawak ng mga aktibo at functional na delegasyon.

• Pagbutihin ang mga paraan para sa pagpapalaganap ng impormasyon tungkol sa ApeCoin Dao.

• Bawasan ang mga panganib sa pagpapatupad ng AIP.

Palawakin ang Financial Adoption at ang financial sustainability ng APE.

• Tingnan ang Apecoin na isasama sa mga ETF.

• Isaalang-alang kung paano gawin ang APE na isang treasury level token.

• Paganahin ang mga istruktura upang ang pangmatagalang kita sa pananalapi ay makabalik sa Apecoin Dao.

Palawakin ang Technical Leadership at Innovation

• Suriin ang hinaharap na posisyon ng APE na nakikipagtulungan sa mga eksperto upang matukoy ang mga opsyon sa komunidad kung ano ang dapat na maging ito? Dapat ba itong manatili bilang isang token sa ilalim ng Ethereum? Isang solusyon sa Layer 2 sa ilalim ng Ethereum, tulad ng iminungkahi ng Polygon? ApeChain sa Superchain (Optimism Foundation)? Isang Parachain sa ilalim ng Polkadot? o iba pa.

• Tumingin upang bumuo ng mga tool at proseso ng pamamahala upang i-streamline ang pagpapalawak ng komunidad.

• Mag-innovate ng mga bagong istruktura ng DAO para paganahin ang paggawa ng grant at pamumuhunan ng ApeCoin Dao.

Ang ApeCoin ay maaaring maging “Coin of Culture” at upang makamit ito kailangan nating ilabas ang potensyal ng isang desentralisadong ecosytem at parehong web3 at tradisyonal na mga sasakyan sa pamumuhunan.


Magbahagi ng may-katuturang karanasan at kasanayan na magbibigay halaga sa komunidad ng ApeCoin

Mga kontribusyon ng ApeCoin DAO
• Sumulat ako ng AIP-295: Protect Snapshot - Dapat ay mayroong 1 Apecoin para bumoto, na matagumpay na naipasa nang may 6m+ na boto 99.9% ang pagtanggap.
• Nagpakita ng pagkahilig para sa ApeCoin Dao sa pamamagitan ng pagbabasa sa buong forum at may higit sa 350 na kontribusyon.
• Gumawa ng 4 Prop House ThankApe Proposals - 3 ang bumoto ayon sa komunidad.
• Sa pagiging napakaaktibo sa programang ThankApe, nabigyan ako ng 1,719 APE na naibigay ko sa kawanggawa.
• Nahalal noon na maging Tagapagsalita ng Asembleya ng Ape, na nagbigay sa akin ng malinaw na pag-unawa sa mga isyu na maaaring magmula sa hindi malinaw na mga hakbangin.

Crypto at NFTs
• Crypto mula noong 2019
• Nfts mula 2020 - May hawak ng maraming pangunahing proyekto tulad ng BAYC, MAYC, Meebits, 0N1. Humigit-kumulang 1,000 NFT sa iba’t ibang mga proyekto.
• May hawak ng Apecoin mula nang ilunsad at patuloy na nag-iipon ng APE. Maghawak ng humigit-kumulang 30,000 APE at plano kong humawak ng anumang APE na may reward sa loob ng minimum na 6 na buwan, naniniwala akong susi ang pagiging align sa mga APE hodler.

Pag unlad ng komunidad
• Setup Bull Council - 2021 na nag-iwas sa Bullsontheblock project na maging rug at ngayon ang community wallet (CW) ay mayroong 32 sandbox plot, MAYC, V friends, Otherside deeds,CyberKongz VX, Coolcats, Azuki Elementals at marami pang ibang NFT. Kinailangan kong kunin ang lahat ng miyembro na sumali at pangasiwaan ang proseso ng paglipat.
• Karanasan sa mga tool ng DAO tulad ng Gnosis Wallets, discord at iba pang mga tool/platform na ginagamit ng ApeCoin.
• Magkaroon ng matibay na ugnayan sa mga miyembro sa web3 ecosystem.

Mga pagtutukoy

Ilarawan pa ang nauugnay na karanasan, kabilang ang crypto at partisipasyon sa pamamahala, at/o mga ideya para sa pagpapabuti ng DAO

Dating Spokesperson ng Ape Assembly

Crypto mula noong 2019

Nfts mula 2020

Apecoin mula nang ilunsad

I-setup ang Bull Council

Karanasan sa Gnosis Wallets

Plano na i-hold ang lahat ng mga pagbabayad sa ApeCoin sa loob ng 6 na buwan mula sa pagbibigay.

Pamilyar sa Discord at iba pang mga tool platform na ginagamit ng ApeCoin

Pangwakas na Pahayag

Ibuod ang iyong pahayag kung bakit ikaw ang pinakamahusay na pagpipilian para sa Governance WG Steward

Ang pagkakaroon ng malalim na pagsisid sa ApeCoin ecosystem, nag-aaplay ako nang may maraming kaalaman sa mabuti at masamang punto ng DAO. Nagbibigay-daan ito sa akin na mag-isip nang madiskarte at makipagtulungan sa iba pang mga Governing Steward upang parehong ipatupad ang mga pare-parehong pagpapabuti sa DAO at bumuo ng mga programa para maabot ang isang modelong napapanatiling pinansyal para sa DAO, kaya tinitiyak ang pangmatagalang hinaharap nito.

Icon na Na-verify ng Komunidad



If you have any questions or would like me to join voice calls or spaces let me know. Send me a DM or comment below. Thanks, Bigbull.


I personally saw this person’s leadership through being Chairman of Ape Assembly and ability to activate voters. Being in almost 10 group meetings together and communicating, you get to know someone’s perspective, ideals, and experience. Big asset to the DAO.


Your commitment to the Ape Coin DAO and the web3 space shines brightly. Having engaged in numerous discussions on spaces and exchanged messages, I wholeheartedly believe you are a trustworthy candidate for this role. Best of luck! :facepunch:


You will be good at anything! keep building! and love to build together!


Since @bigbull discovered the DAO he has been one of the most active and inquisitive members. Excited to see him as a GWG nominee and looking forward to learning more about him over the next few weeks.


Big Bull brought me here! Dude was first contact I had with someone running for a position within the DAO.

He answered questions, provided resources, taught me how to get on Discourse, and encouraged me to get more involved.

I love it here! Glad I met this dude!


I really loved what you had to say at the first election debate. You clearly have your priorities straight and have the DAO’s best interests in mind. I look forward to hearing more from you in public spaces and after the voting is over.


great luck to you Big Bull


I’m feeling Bullish, props to you sir, always open to hearing from others, gives great advice, let’s go @bigbull


Fully support you, BigBull. Cant think of anyone better to fill this position!

Would be interested to hear what your greatest learnings have been since joining the DAO as spokesperson and what your immediate priority would be if successfully elected?


Since BigBull joined the DAO, I’ve been amazing to see him dive through our Forums, ask smart questions, and show off an impeccable attention to detail.

Looking forward to all the great questions you’ll continue to ask & your continued contributions to the DAO BigBull! Appreciate you.

-Halina.eth :blue_heart:


bigbull was a valuable leader for the AA and i would love to see him continue to hold roles and be active within the DAO


@BigBull, your nomination for the Governance Working Group Leads Steward position is spot on for what the DAO truly needs. Your extensive background, your roles as a board member, and your dedication to the growth and sustainability of the DAO paint a promising picture for our future.

I also appreciate the fact that you’ve been actively engaged with the Governance WG for the past four months during the Ape Assembly, reducing some potential “learning period” for the DAO.

For those who reading this, considering @bigbull’s deep familiarity with the Asian market, there’s an opportunity to leverage this expertise. As $APE ecosystem aims to integrate more seamlessly with that market, having someone on board who understands the nuances can be a game-changer.

On a personal note, I’ve learned a ton from our collaboration, and together we’ve made significant strides within the DAO. Your candid acknowledgment of both the strengths and weaknesses within ApeCoin, combined with your commitment to consistently improve and ensure long-term financial sustainability, distinguishes you as a strategic and forward-thinking candidate.

Best of luck in the election szn!

-Mr. Hype :fire:


A hands on and experienced guy :+1:


Supportive of your experience and dedication to the DAO, this looks like a solid fit!


Congratulations on the nomination! looking forward to building together!


BB is a good friend, an even epic explorer of the DAO and dedicated member who keep pushing past his limits everywhere he goes.
I dont even actually have to say anything here coz the community knows what is capable of and make DAO reach new height.
Good to stand against you bro :rofl:


Extremely hardworking & dedicated candidate! Good luck Bigbull!