Personal Information
Discourse ID: @bigbull
Educational Background:
Economics degree, followed up with postgraduate studies and later awarded an Honorary Fellow of top Global University.
Professional Background:
Bigbull has over 25 years of business experience in the fields of technology, sustainability, medical and strategic advisory. He is an investor in sustainable and blockchain sectors. He has worked at Fortune 500, listed and private companies. Earlier in his career he provided management and technical consultancy to multi-million USD projects. He has experience as board member of a listed company responsible for governance; and as a Board level Supervisor of a subsidiary of US listed technology company and Senior Advisor to the global founder.
Nomination Statement
Concise statement on why you are running for the Governance WG Steward
I am honored to nominate myself as a Steward for the Governance Working Group (GWG). We need the GWG to be comprised of members with complementary skillsets, a clear understanding of the current ApeCoin Dao Governance structure so can quickly as a group to implement solutions. The Special Council and the three Governance Stewards need to agree on a clear vision so that we can sail the ship in one direction. We need those with strong industry experience to find ways to further decentralise governance and increase the adoption of ApeCoin.
Details on your motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO Governance WG Steward
I have a deep passion for Governance and to be at the leading edge of DAO frameworks and development. I am running for the Governance Steward role to address the issues below:
- Expand Community Engagement
• Increase decentralisation by the expansion of active and functional delegations.
• Improve methods for spreading information about ApeCoin Dao.
• Reduce AIP implementation risks.
- Expand Financial Adoption and the financial sustainability of APE.
• Look at Apecoin to be included in ETFs.
• Consider how to make APE a treasury level token.
• Enable structures so that long term financial returns can come back to the Apecoin Dao.
- Expand Technical Leadership and Innovation
• Examine the future position of APE working with experts to determine the options to the community of what it should become? Should it remain as a token under Ethereum? A Layer 2 solution under Ethereum, such as suggested by Polygon? ApeChain on the Superchain (Optimism Foundation)? A Parachain under Polkadot? or something else.
• Look to develop governance tools and processes to streamline the community expansion.
• Innovate new DAO structures to enable both grant making and investments by the ApeCoin Dao.
ApeCoin can be the “Coin of Culture” and to achieve this we need to unleash the potential of a decentralised ecosytem and both web3 and traditional investment vehicles.
Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin community
ApeCoin DAO contributions
• I wrote AIP-295: Protect Snapshot - Must have 1 Apecoin to vote, which successfully passed with 6m+ votes 99.9% acceptance.
• Have shown passion for the ApeCoin Dao by reading the entire forum and with over 350 contributions.
• Created 4 Prop House ThankApe Proposals - 3 voted in by community.
• By being very active in the ThankApe program I was awarded 1,719 APE which I have donated charity.
• Previously elected to be the Spokesperson of the Ape Assembly, which gave me a clear understanding of issues that can arise from unclear initiatives.
Crypto and NFTs
• Crypto since 2019
• Nfts from 2020 - Holder of many major projects such as BAYC, MAYC, Meebits, 0N1. Approximately 1,000 NFTs in various projects.
• Apecoin holder since launch and have continued to accumulate APE. Hold about 30,000 APE and I plan to hold any APE rewarded for a minimum of 6 months, I believe being aligned with APE hodlers is key.
Community Development
• Setup Bull Council - 2021 which avoided Bullsontheblock project being a rug and now the community wallet (CW) holds 32 sandbox plots, MAYC, V friends, Otherside deeds,CyberKongz VX, Coolcats, Azuki Elementals and many other NFTs. I had to get all the members to join and handle the process of transition.
• Experience in DAO tools such as Gnosis Wallets, discord and other tools/platforms used by ApeCoin.
• Have strong relationships with members in the web3 ecosystem.
Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation, and/or ideas for DAO improvement
Former Spokesperson of the Ape Assembly
Crypto since 2019
Nfts from 2020
Apecoin since launch
Setup Bull Council
Experience with Gnosis Wallets
Plan to hold all ApeCoin payments for 6 months from being given.
Familiar with Discord and other tools platforms used by ApeCoin
Concluding Statement
Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Governance WG Steward
Having deep dived into the ApeCoin ecosystem, I am applying with a rich knowledge of the good and the bad points of the DAO. This enables me to think strategically and work with the other Governing Stewards to both implement consistent improvements to the DAO and develop programs to reach a financially sustainable model for the DAO, thus ensuring its long term future.