Facilitator Note #18: ApeChain, Snapshot Upgrade, Forum Improvements

Hello ApeCoin Community,

In our ongoing commitment to support the community and in the process of implementing previously approved proposals, we’re thrilled to share some exciting updates!

With an unprecedented voter turnout (over 32 million), the DAO has voted in favor of building an ApeChain. In a separate decision, the community also selected Arbitrum as the execution layer with Horizen Labs as our implementation partner for building the chain. This decision set another record for voter participation, with over 45 million votes cast.

Stay tuned for the first phase of establishing the ApeChain, as we prepare to go Omnichain with an upgrade of the ApeCoin token contract to Layer Zero’s Adaptable OFT standard.

We’re also pleased to announce an upgrade to our community’s Snapshot space!! The enhancements include a gold star with priority placement for the ApeCoin DAO at the top of Snapshot’s homepage, improved visibility in searches, additional voting strategies, expanded proposal content limit (from 10,000 to 20,000 characters), and increased support from the Snapshot team.

To enhance transparency in the AIP Implementation process, we’ve connected all previously accepted AIPs with newly created topics under the AIP Implementation Updates subcategory of the AIP Execution and Transparency category. These posts, titled to indicate the related AIP, will streamline future updates about each proposal, link to related proposals, and will be provided for all accepted AIPs going forward.

Furthermore, we’ve begun reorganizing the Help and Resources category for smoother navigation. You can now easily browse through helpful topics relevant to the DAO under the FAQ sub-category. Additionally, we’ve cleaned up the Get Help section by relocating any misplaced topics and helping to select correct answers to questions raised there by the community. Thank you to those who contributed!

We have more enhancements in the pipeline and appreciate everyone’s patience as we continue to seek and implement solutions. Your feedback is always welcome. Be sure to follow the ApeCoin X/Twitter account with notifications on for updates and discussions with the community, and keep an eye on the Announcements category here on the forum for more information about ApeChain and ongoing events around the ApeCoin DAO!

Best regards,

ApeCoin DAO Community Discourse Facilitators


It’s been almost 3 weeks since the Apechain vote ended. According to the timeline provided by Arbitrum, discussion on the finer details of the chain configuration isn’t still open. These were supposed to be finished within 3-4 weeks after the voting ended. Why is it moving so slowly?


It’s really cool that so many people voted on big decisions like creating the new ApeChain and choosing who will help build it. With that many voices being heard, you know the choices represent what the community truly wants. Exciting stuff happening over there


Quick question though it’s not really in line with the post

How long does it take for an aip that approved to start being implemented


That’s really a nice question and this is why Q&A seesions should be held weekly for questions like this so we can be informed more about the history and all of the DAO


There’re community Twitter spaces which are held every Fridays.


What a thoughtful question! This is why weekly Q&A sessions are necessary to delve into such topics, so we will gain deeper insights into the history and workings of the DAO.


Can I make a suggestion of having Snapshot improve the export CSV function to include data representative of the strategies used? Currently it only exports the total APE voting power, and doesnt distinguish it based on normally held, delegated, locked up, staked, bendDAO, or Para.

Also, a mass export to CSV function of all proposals would be nice.


What you are asking is possible? or requires snapshot to specially upgrade?

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I think it “should” be possible but it probably requires something from Snapshot.

I’m going to use AIP-406 as an example:

Currently, you can download a CSV file of this Snapshot Vote:

But the CSV file only tells you the total Voting Power (Note: I filtered the data than sorted it form highest voting power to lowest):

Meanwhile, we have use 6 voting strategies to calculate voting power (erc20-balance-of, delegation, erc20-votes (Ape (lock up)), erc20-votes (Ape (staked)), erc20-votes (Ape(BendDAO)), and erc20-votes (Ape(Para)).

Snapshot tells you this information on a per wallet basis only if you hover over the address or or the results:

I just think the CSV file can and should be more comprehensive of what is actually happening in the vote.

Also, creating a zip file of all CSVs for each proposal would be nice feature as well. But again, thats probably a request for Snapshot.