Anyways, let me put my suit on and here is what I believe needs to be done to move forward:
We need clear and EASY TO UNDERSTAND descriptions of what each of the 3 Working Groups mentioned above are.
(I love SeraStargirl’s and Vulkan’s graphics when it comes to visuals explaining things)
Once descriptions are there. We need a list of fellow members who would be interested in becoming a part of each Working Group.
Then they will each need an application of some sort so that we can decide via vote who will serve what Position/Role
Then once this is done we continue to move forward from there and actually get this rolling…
Not sure how this works as I am new here, but taking the initiative anyways and we move from there!
This is how I have done most things in my life and things have worked out great so far!
(Also, English is my second language so excuse any grammar mistakes )
At this point, I think we have to wait and see if this AIP idea is going to be withdrawn or not. You should join that discussion because it involves the AA.
Regardless, that AIP doesn’t actually disolve the AA, it just knee-caps it in some regard. So, whatever you guys (I have no intentions of being active in it - I am just going to lurk) are doing can still continue I think. Though if that AIP goes through and passes, I don’t see what purpose the AA would serve.
And I agree, we definitely need more people to be aware of this, for those who qualify to sign up, and for those who don’t qualify to make the effort to qualify like I did when I started here.
The AA is like a focus group for various changes. And assuming it’s led by competent people, and is left completely autonomous, it can grow to become very effective. So, I think you should consider joining.
I decided to withdraw from active participation because I don’t believe that it can be truly autonomous as intended. And also because of all the chaos surrounding it atm. I have other reasons too, but those are the main ones.