As I mentioned in FAQ2, my idea for ApeID goes beyond just an identity or vanilla SSO.
And so, just as I had suspected and written, and despite pushback (both public and private) that my ApeID idea would [likely] conflict with whatever Yuga is working in this regard, we finally have what I believe to be the conclusive answer.
Yuga is focused on their own YugaID solution which uses Twitter SSO. That’s it. Nothing else.
You can read Garga’s confirmation from yesterday.
But I already suspected that they weren’t doing that anyway because in my line of work, research matters - and ideas are a dime a dozen.
ApeID will not force the use of a third-party SSO because requiring something like Twitter comes with its own set of friction and problems. And none of them are conducive to security or unique identities when in fact you can still create thousands of “dead name” accounts with a script. And if you’ve been banned on Twitter, like on other social services, creating an alt account is against the ToS which then leads to another ban if found.
With ApeID, at a minimum, all you need is an email address. That’s it. Nothing else.
And we automatically create a wallet for use on the ACE platform and across ApeChain (for dApps that want to participate in its rewards system). We’re not building that when we already have exceptional middleware tools such as Sequence which does all the work. Read more about their wallet solutions.
The ApeID tie-in to the rewards system and which includes a third-party on-chain identity solution (similar to TokenProof), ensures that a single identity is not only used across the ACE platform and connected dApps, but also acts as pass-through to third-party social platforms (Discord, Beamable, Telegram etc) created for the ACE platform ecosystem. What this means is that you can use ApeID to login to the ACE platform, AOW, AON (node) services panel - as well as platforms such as an official ACE Discord server or Telegram channel.
One identity. One login. Everywhere on ApeChain.
More here: How we get THERE from HERE
As I mentioned in FAQ1, my idea for the ACE platform and its primary feature, AOW, are in no way shape or form competition for any of Yuga’s projects. I keep having all these conversations whereby I have to keep explaining this; mostly to people who have never actually read the proposal, but instead are getting second-hand info from their friends.
As much as some seem to be having difficulty separating ApeCoin DAO from Yuga - despite the fact that there have been various public and private attempts to separate the two - the general sentiment is that both are somehow co-joined. This is an inevitable consequence of the fact that Yuga created the NFTs and the token, and is also primarily responsible for the creation of the DAO. There’s no getting around that.
The consequence of this is that for the longest time, some of our community members continue to fail to look beyond Yuga for the prosperity of the DAO. I have written about this many, many times, both here and on X. You can just use this handy X search criteria and this Discourse search criteria to read those yourself.
If the DAO - which not even 1% of the token holders participate in - is indeed a separate entity, why do such sentiments still persist - even if not spoken out loud? I don’t get it.
Where am I going with this? Simple.
Despite the fact that it clearly isn’t, even if this AOW virtual world was similar to or is a competitor to Otherside, why should that matter?
Similarly, even if Yuga was working on something similar to ApeID, why should that matter?
You know why publishers and devs make multi-platform games?
You know why console platforms publish third-party games while also building their own exclusive first-party games?
Growth. That’s it. All of it.
How on Earth are we going to grow our bubble if we don’t seek to expand beyond it?
You know Yuga could have come up with ApeID, right? Instead they went with Yuga ID, likely because they now have different IP besides BAYC/MAYC/BAKC.
We are ApeCoin and so ApeID is to be our own platform identity for anyone building on ApeChain and/or the ACE platform. And it’s ApeChain, not YugaChain.
And just as we will have support for MocaID if they so choose, the same extends to Yuga ID if Yuga chooses to allow its use on ACE. We simply can’t use proprietary systems without permission.
And as I am writing this, nobody actually thought of anything like ApeID - and not a single proposal has come through here that comes even close to what I designed it to be. You know why that is? Who wants to build a thing with no utility? So, you get $1M to go build ApeID. Then what? What are you going to do with it?
I said this before, please go take a look at what Moca did and how they did it - gradually and effectively. And with utility and rewards for it. Now that they are partnering with other chains (e.g. TON), does that somehow make Yuga ID or ApeID obsolete? Of course not! For that concern to be valid, SSO solutions from Microsoft, Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, et al have no reason to exist when they can all just rely solely on generic OAuth as they once did.
Rewinding back, my point here is that aside from the fact that nobody knows the current fate or state of Otherside, and with Project Dragon now revealed to be a competitive team-based shooter, now more than ever our DAO community needs to understand how “thinking outside the box” actually works so that we can build and diversify - on our own.
Let me share some metrics. Source : Game7 Research, Oct 2023
RPG, Action, Strategy, and Casual are among the most popular Web3 game genres.
MMORPG and Action RPG lead as the most popular sub-genres highlighting the RPG dominance.
If anything, the above charts should explain why, at this moment in time, I decided that the core of ACE should NOT be a game, but rather a virtual environment which caters to a variety of people who want to join in - and chill. It is not a twitch-based combat environment - and never will be. There is no ponzinomics token scheme - and there never will be. The proposal is crystal clear in what it is designed to be: a virtual online world with RPG elements which spark engagement and growth. You don’t have to fight anyone or anything if you don’t want to. And you don’t have to be concerned about performance in a world with “10000 clients”, let alone the UGC clutter that became of environments like Sandbox, leading to the very rapid decline in its engagement.
Have you seen the latest news from our Pudgy Penguin friends? No? Well here it is:
While everyone else is building infra and experiences (online worlds, games etc), making partnerships to grow their ecosystem etc., our community is busy arguing the merits of what is and isn’t, and whether or not we’re embarking on endeavors that will likely conflict with Yuga’s plans. And the token is basically in memecoin territory now because it lacks utility of any kind. And the unlocks aren’t even over yet.
I have said this before, and it too bears repeating. If this proposal goes to vote, and fails - regardless of the whale wallet influence - I will never resubmit nor put it through the Banana Bill thereafter. I said the same thing with AIP-316 last year, and some people thought I was bluffing. Now that project is being developed and deployed elsewhere.
Even though our DAO has a grand history of irresponsible voting, I will never do such a thing as going a separate route (ala Banana Bill) after it fails to pass community vote. That aside, I am also not ignorant to the fact that, a $5M price tag aside, this being me - the most vocal dissenter in the community - the chances of my proposal passing through the BB that’s controlled by some of the very same people I have dissented against, is probably zero.
Notwithstanding that, my June 14th (one day after I returned to the DOA from my self-imposed exile) dissenting opinion made clear that I didn’t support aspects of the BB. The gist of that being:
“Don’t get me wrong, even with some deficiencies which I would rather not opine on, I “get” the goal of this AIP, and support the idea of it.”
I also said:
“If this is for Apes, then yes, I get that. But go look at our DAO track record. The only upside is that instead of leaving decisions in the hands of the erratic DAO voting system, it’s going to be in the hands of a select group. What could possibly go wrong with that ?”
While I’m on the subject, and for clarity and completeness, below is the sequence of events that led to the Banana Bill, and how it [currently] works:
- Feb 14 - Horizen wins ApeChain contract for ARB /w Horizen Labs responsible for ApeChain growth
- TBD - Jordan (while at Horizen?), engages with Ape Foundation
- May ?? - Jordan leaves Horizen, forms Full Moon Labs /w Ape Foundation as his client
- June 13 - $100M BB appears /w Jordan + Horizen Labs + Yuga + Animoca at the helm
- June 20 - BB leapfrogs (due to ApeChain timing) all other AIPs and goes to Snapshot
- July 3 - BB passes /w 77.41% support (13.5M in 7 whale wallets were immaterial to the results)
- July 22 - BB application goes live, and we’re off to the races
With the BB application now online, when the submission form gets filled out, it first goes to Horizen Labs (responsible for ApeChain growth as per AIP-378) as per Spencer “Blockchainzilla” Soloway and Tyler “tlogs.eth” Logsdon whereby they are reviewed and filtered out. After that first pass, selected ones then go through the process which then involves the five advisors below:
- Waabam (ApeCoin Special Council)
- CaptainTrippy (ex-ApeCoin Special Council)
- Cameron Kates (Yuga Labs)
- Won Kim (Yuga Labs)
- Minh Do (Animoca Brands)
Jordan, given his background experience, gets to run through the final project, deal points etc.
I should also mention that Yat’s own $5M venture fund AIP-438, which only recently went up for vote, pre-dates the BB.
I’m not sure which member of the BB team is going to be putting updates below, but thus far, nothing there yet.
Implementation Update | AIP-454: The BANANA Bill: Apes Gotta Eat
There’s a lot more to signing on projects than just reading through submissions and selecting the ones which have the appearance of having a solid chance at success. And the risks are still there because this is Web3 whereby there are far more failures than there are success stories.
The point here is that it’s still the DAO community funds, but just a different pool of money that has now been carved out of the treasury and set aside for a specific purpose. That being ApeChain growth. And the community voted to make that happen because even if none of the 7 (of 242) whale (> 1M $ape) wallets had voted at all, AIP-454 would still have passed by 8.5M / 0.2K. And so, the [voting] community made this $100M bet on ApeChain.
And with that $100M carve out, I expect that going forward, proposals are likely to have an even greater challenge passing a community vote because most voters will expect them to go through the Banana Bill instead, rather than doling out more funds from the rapidly depleting treasury.